
/ahr"tist/, n.
1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
2. a person who practices one of the fine arts, esp. a painter or sculptor.
3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.
4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist; an artist of the dance.
5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.
6. a person who is expert at trickery or deceit: He's an artist with cards.
7. Obs. an artisan.
[1575-85; < MF artiste < ML artista master of arts. See ART1, -IST]
Syn. 1. ARTIST, ARTISAN are persons having superior skill or ability, or who are capable of producing superior work. An ARTIST is a person engaged in some type of fine art. An ARTISAN is engaged in a craft or applied art.

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Universalium. 2010.

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