Arthus' reaction

Arthus' reaction
/ahr tooh"siz/, Immunol.
a severe, local immune reaction to the injection of an antigen in a sensitized host. Also called Arthus' phenomenon.
[after Nicolas-Maurice Arthus (1862-1945), French physiologist, who discovered it in 1903]

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  • Arthus' reaction — /ahr tooh siz/, Immunol. a severe, local immune reaction to the injection of an antigen in a sensitized host. Also called Arthus phenomenon. [after Nicolas Maurice Arthus (1862 1945), French physiologist, who discovered it in 1903] …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Arthus-type reaction — any pathologic process involving the same mechanism as the Arthus reaction, i.e., deposition of immune complexes and complement activation, as in immune complex disease …   Medical dictionary

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