
arrased, adj.
/ar"euhs/, n.
1. a rich tapestry.
2. a tapestry weave.
3. a wall hanging, as a tapestry or similar object.
4. Theat. a curtain suspended loosely across a stage and used as a backdrop or part of a stage setting.
[1375-1425; late ME, named after ARRAS]
/ahr"ahs/; Sp. /ahrdd"rddahs/, n. (used with a sing. v.)
a gift presented at marriage by a husband to his wife in consideration of her dowry.
[ < Sp: lit., earnest money. See EARNEST2]

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      town, capital of Pas-de-Calais département, Nord-Pas-de-Calais région, former capital of Artois, northern France. It lies on the Scarpe River, southwest of Lille. Of Gallo-Roman origin, it was the chief town (Nemetacum or Nemetocenna) of the Atrebates, one of the last Gallic peoples to surrender to Caesar. The woollen industry dates from the 4th century. The Middle Ages was a period of great material and cultural wealth, when Arras became the English word for tapestry hangings. The fortunes of the town followed those of troubled Artois, and it passed through many hands before being joined for the last time to France in 1659 by the Treaty of the Pyrenees. A peace treaty (1435) was signed there by Philip III (the Good) of Burgundy and Charles VII of France. The Peace of Arras in 1482 fixed the northern frontiers of modern France. From 1479 to 1484 Louis XI, after razing the walls, ordered a mass deportation of citizens. Arras was the birthplace of Maximilien de Robespierre (Robespierre, Maximilien de). The French Revolution and both world wars destroyed many of its ancient buildings. The town centres on two arcaded and gabled squares, the Grande and Petite. The reconstructed 16th-century Gothic Hôtel de Ville is on the Petite Place.

      Arras is an administrative and commercial centre and more recently a university town, housing a branch of the University of Artois. The town was never as heavily industrialized as the urban centres of the former coal basin lying to the north, although a diverse range of manufacturing has developed on industrial estates around Arras. Food-related industries are important; other manufactures include textiles and machinery. Industrialization and the expansion of the road transport and logistics sector have been favoured by the town's location close to major highways. Pop. (1999) 40,590; (2005 est.) 41,400.

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  • ARRAS — Chef lieu du Pas de Calais, Arras était, en 1990, une agglomération de 79 600 habitants. Après un passé glorieux, Arras a connu une certaine stagnation. Très vieille ville, établie sur un des sites préhistoriques les plus intéressants de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Arras — Ar ras, n. [From Arras the capital of Artois, in the French Netherlands.] Tapestry; a rich figured fabric; especially, a screen or hangings of heavy cloth with interwoven figures. [1913 Webster] Stateliest couches, with rich arras spread. Cowper …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • arras — (Del lat. arrhae o arrhăbo, y estos del gr. ἀρραβών). 1. f. pl. Cosa que se da como prenda o señal en algún contrato o concierto. 2. Conjunto de las trece monedas que, al celebrarse el matrimonio religioso, sirven como símbolo de entrega, pasando …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Arras — Arras,   niederländisch Ạtrecht [ xt], Stadt in Frankreich, Verwaltungssitz des Départements Pas de Calais, 43 600 Einwohner;   Wirtschaft:   katholischer Bischofssitz; regionales Handelszentrum mit Baugewerbe, Metall , Textil und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • arras — (n.) pictured tapestry, late 14c., from Anglo Fr. draps d arras, from Arras, city in France where pictured tapestries were made, from L. Atrebates, name of a tribe of the Belgae who inhabited the Artois region; probably lit. inhabitants, from a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • arras — (plural) sustantivo femenino 1. Conjunto de las trece monedas que tradicionalmente el hombre entrega a la mujer en la celebración del matrimonio como símbolo del contrato: El novio entregó las arras a la novia. 2. Prenda que se da en un contrato… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Arras — Ar ras, v. t. To furnish with an arras. Chapman. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arras [1] — Arras (Atr echt), 1) Bezirk im französischen Departement Pas de Calais; 2) Hauptstadt hier u. des Departements, an der schiffbaren Scarpe, in Sümpfen, Festung 3. Ranges, mit 25,000 Ew.; die Werke nach alter Art mit 10 Bastions angelegt, von… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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