- armpad
/ahrm"pad'/, n.a small cushion forming part of the arm of a chair, sofa, or the like. Also called manchette.[ARM1 + PAD1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
armpad — /ahrm pad /, n. a small cushion forming part of the arm of a chair, sofa, or the like. Also called manchette. [ARM1 + PAD1] … Useful english dictionary
manchette — /mahn shet /, n. armpad. [1825 35; < F: dim. of MANCHE; see ETTE] * * * … Universalium
manchette — /mahn shet /, n. armpad. [1825 35; F: dim. of MANCHE; see ETTE] … Useful english dictionary