
/awr"hoohs/, n.
a seaport in E Jutland, in Denmark. 245,941.
Also, Aarhus.

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Seaport (pop., 2001: 286,688), eastern Jutland, Denmark.

It lies along Århus Bay and has an extensive harbour. Its origins are unknown, but it became a bishopric in AD 948 and, with its many religious institutions, prospered during the Middle Ages. In modern times, industrialization and harbour expansion have made it Denmark's second largest city.

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also spelled  Aarhus,  
 city, eastern Jutland, Denmark. It lies along Århus Bay and has an extensive harbour. Its origin is unknown, although traces of a Viking settlement have been found near the outflow of the now-covered Århus stream. The oldest existing charter for the town (1441) refers to a still-earlier charter. Århus became a bishopric in 948 and prospered during the European Middle Ages, having many religious institutions at that time, but the city declined after the Reformation. Beginning in the 19th century, industrialization, the extension of the Danish railway system, and the expansion of its harbour stimulated the city's growth to the point that Århus is now Jutland's foremost city and the second largest city in Denmark. It is a busy port and is the centre of commerce and industry in Jutland. Århus' manufactures include metals, chemicals, machinery, beer, and tobacco products, and there are shipbuilding facilities.

      Many old buildings can be found in the Old Town section of the city. Medieval landmarks include the 11th-century crypt of St. Nicholas under the Church of Our Lady and the 13th-century Århus Cathedral dedicated to St. Clement, which has a 312-foot- (95-metre-) high tower and is the longest church (305 feet [93 m]) in Denmark. It was built in the Flamboyant Gothic style. The town hall (193842) and the university buildings (193346) are examples of early 20th-century Danish architecture. The Århus Art Museum (1858) includes a display of runic stones, and Den Gamle By is a unique open-air museum (1909) of an early Danish town. The Viking Museum contains exhibits of Viking artifacts. In addition to Aarhus University (opened 1928), there are several specialized colleges and an academy of music in the city. The city's main concert hall, Musikhuset Aarhus (1982), hosts opera and symphony concerts. Pop. (2008 est.) city, 237,551; mun., 298,538.

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