
araucarian, adj.
/ar'aw kair"ee euh/, n.
any of several coniferous trees of the genus Araucaria, of warm regions. Cf. monkey puzzle, Norfolk Island pine.
[1825-35; < NL, named after Arauc(o) province in central Chile; see -ARIA]

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Any pinelike coniferous plant (see conifer) of the genus Araucaria (family Araucariaceae).

Found in South America, the Phoenix Islands, and Australia, araucaria trees are magnificent evergreens, with whorled branches and stiff, flattened, pointed leaves. Common species are the monkey puzzle tree and the Norfolk Island pine, often grown as a houseplant. Several species are cultivated on the Pacific coast of the U.S. and in southern Florida. See also pine.

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plant genus
      genus of about 19 species of pinelike coniferous plants in the family Araucariaceae. The trees are magnificent evergreens, with apparently whorled branches and stiff, flattened, pointed leaves. They are found in Brazil, Chile, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, and Australia. The name of the genus is derived from Arauco, the name of a district in southern Chile where the trees were first discovered. A. araucana, the Chile pineor monkey puzzle tree, as it was called because it was hard to climbwas introduced into Europe in the late 18th century and is extensively cultivated there. The tree grows to a height of 50 metres (150 feet) in the cordilleras of Chile. The cones are from 20 to 22 cm (8 to 8.5 inches) broad and 17 to 19 cm (7 to 7.5 inches) long. The wood of the tree is hard and durable.

      A. araucana, as well as other members of the genus, is cultivated on the Pacific coast of the United States and also in some cases in southern Florida. They are valued for the conspicuous growth habits that set them apart from nearly all other conifers. A. excelsa, the Norfolk Island pine, a native of Norfolk Island and New Caledonia, finds some use as a houseplant during its sapling stage, because of the beauty of its symmetrically tiered growth. It is not often found out of doors in the United States, where A. cunninghamii, the Moreton Bay pine, A. bidwillii, the bunya pine, and A. angustifolia, the Paraná pine are more frequently found.

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