Aramid — fibers are a class of heat resistant and strong synthetic fibers. They are used in aerospace and military applications, for ballistic rated body armor fabric, and as an asbestos substitute. The name is a shortened form of aromatic polyamide .… … Wikipedia
aramid — ☆ aramid [ar′ə mid΄ ] n. [ar(omatic) (poly)amid(e)] any of a group of very strong, lightweight, synthetic fibers used in making radial tires, bulletproof vests, etc … English World dictionary
Aramid — Aramide ist die Bezeichnung für aromatische Polyamide. Diese polymeren Kunststoffe besitzen strukturelle Ähnlichkeit mit Proteinen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Übersicht 2 Para Aramid Herstellungsprozess 3 Anwendungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
aramid — ˈarəmə̇d noun ( s) Etymology: aromatic polyamide : any of a group of lightweight but very strong heat resistant synthetic aromatic polyamide materials that are fashioned into fibers and used especially in textiles ; also : a fiber manufactured… … Useful english dictionary
aramid fibre — /arˈə mid fīˈbər/ noun An exceptionally strong lightweight synthetic fibre much used in composite materials ORIGIN: aromatic polyamide ↑fibre … Useful english dictionary
aramid fiber, US — aramidinis pluoštas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pluoštas, kurio linijinės makromolekulės sudarytos iš amidiniais ar imidiniais ryšiais sujungtų aromatinių grupių. atitikmenys: angl. aramid fiber, US; aramid fibre, GB rus. арамидное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
aramid fibre, GB — aramidinis pluoštas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pluoštas, kurio linijinės makromolekulės sudarytos iš amidiniais ar imidiniais ryšiais sujungtų aromatinių grupių. atitikmenys: angl. aramid fiber, US; aramid fibre, GB rus. арамидное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
aramid — noun Etymology: aromatic polyamide Date: 1972 any of a group of lightweight but very strong heat resistant synthetic aromatic polyamide materials that are fashioned into fibers, filaments, or sheets and used especially in textiles and plastics … New Collegiate Dictionary
aramid — noun Any of a class of strong, heat resistant synthetic fibres, used in aerospace and military applications … Wiktionary
Aramid — Ar|a|mid [↑ Ar (2) u. ↑ Amid], das; s, e: temperaturbeständige, für technische Textilien brauchbare ↑ Polyamide aus aromatischen Diaminen u. Dicarbonsäuren … Universal-Lexikon