
/ar"euh bik/, adj.
1. of, belonging to, or derived from the language or literature of the Arabs.
2. noting, pertaining to, or in the alphabetical script used for the writing of Arabic probably since about the fourth century A.D., and adopted with modifications by Persian, Urdu, and many other languages. A distinguishing feature of this script is the fact that etymologically short vowels are not normally represented.
3. Arab.
4. Arabian.
5. a Semitic language that developed out of the language of the Arabians of the time of Muhammad, now spoken in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Abbr.: Ar
6. the standard literary and classical language as established by the Koran.
[1350-1400; ME arabik < L Arabicus Arabian, equiv. to Arab(ia) + -icus -IC]

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(as used in expressions)
Hindu Arabic numerals

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