
approbativeness, n.
/ap"reuh bay'tiv, euh proh"beuh-/, adj.
approving; expressing approbation.
Also, approbatory /euh proh"beuh tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/.
[1605-15; < ML approbativus. See APPROBATE, -IVE]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Approbative — Ap pro*ba*tive, a. [Cf. F. approbatif.] Approving, or implying approbation. Milner. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • approbative — 1. adjective /ˈæp.ɹəˌbeɪ.tɪv,əˈpɹəʊ.beɪ.tɪv,ˈæp.ɹəˌbeɪ.tɪv,əˈpɹoʊˈbeɪ.tɪv/ a) Expressing approval approbative criticism b) Sanctioning officially, giving authorization or approval to something. Syn: approbatory See Also: approba …   Wiktionary

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  • approbatif — approbatif, ive [ aprɔbatif, iv ] adj. • 1561; bas lat. approbativus, de approbare « approuver » ♦ Qui marque, exprime l approbation. « Le diplomate et M. Dambreuse lui firent un signe de tête approbatif » (Flaubert). ⇒ approbateur. Mention… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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