applicator — ► NOUN ▪ a device for inserting something or applying a substance to a surface … English terms dictionary
applicator — [ap′likāt΄ər] n. [< L applicatus, pp. of applicare, APPLY + OR] 1. any device for applying medicine or paint, polish, etc. 2. a person who applies a substance … English World dictionary
applicator — UK [ˈæplɪˌkeɪtə(r)] / US [ˈæplɪˌkeɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms applicator : singular applicator plural applicators an object used for putting a substance on the surface of something … English dictionary
applicator — [[t]æ̱plɪkeɪtə(r)[/t]] applicators N COUNT An applicator is a device that you use to put something somewhere when you do not want to touch it or do it with your hands … English dictionary
applicator — aplikatorius statusas Aprobuotas sritis talpyklės, uždoriai, vartojimo įtaisai apibrėžtis Vartojimo įtaisas, naudojamas vartojant vaistą ant kūno arba į tam tikrą kūno vietą. atitikmenys: angl. applicator vok. Applikator pranc. applicateur… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
applicator — noun Date: 1659 one that applies; specifically a device for applying a substance (as medicine or polish) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Applicator — … Wikipedia
applicator — noun A tool or device used to apply a fluid or semi fluid substance to a surface. See Also: application, apply … Wiktionary
applicator — A slender rod of wood, flexible metal, or synthetic material, at one end of which is attached a pledget of cotton or other substance for making local applications to any accessible surface. [L. ap plico, to attach to] * * * ap·pli·ca·tor ap lə… … Medical dictionary
Applicator — Аппарат для нанесения (вещества), аппликатор; аппарат для полива (слоя); Устройство накладывания (элементов деталей на поверхность); Разбрызгиватель (краски); Мазальное устройство … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии