
apomictic /ap'euh mik"tik/, apomictical, adj.apomictically, adv.
/ap'euh mik"sis/, n., pl. apomixes /-mik"seez/. Biol.
any of several types of asexual reproduction, as apogamy or parthenogenesis.
[1910-15; < NL < Gk apo- APO- + míxis a mixing, equiv. to mig(nýnai) to mix + -sis -SIS]

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Reproduction by special tissues without fertilization.

Examples include parthenogenesis in animals (in which a new individual develops from an unfertilized egg) and apogamy in plants (in which the generating tissue may be either the gametophyte or the sporophyte). Apomixis provides for the preservation of traits favourable to individual survival, but it eliminates the longer-term evolutionary advantage of genetic contribution from two parents.

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      reproduction by special generative tissues without fertilization. It includes parthenogenesis in animals, in which the new individual develops from the unfertilized egg, and apogamy in certain plants, in which the generative tissue may be the sporophyte or the gametophyte. Apomixis provides for the perpetuation of traits favourable to individual survival but eliminates the longer-term evolutionary advantage of biparental inheritance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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