Apollonius Dyscolus

Apollonius Dyscolus
/ap'euh loh"nee euhs dis"keuh leuhs/
died A.D. c140. Greek grammarian.

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Greek grammarian
GreekThe Crabbed
flourished 2nd century AD

      Greek grammarian who was reputedly the founder of the systematic study of grammar. His life was passed at Alexandria during the reigns of the Roman emperors Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. Priscian, the Latin grammarian, styled him grammaticorum princeps (“prince of grammarians”) and used his work as the basis for his own. Four of Apollonius's works are extant: On Syntax and three smaller treatises, On Pronouns, On Conjunctions, and On Adverbs. His son was the grammarian Herodian, who wrote several works on accent rules.

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