Apheresis — (Greek: to take away ) is a medical technology in which the blood of a donor or patient is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and returns the remainder to the circulation. It is thus an extracorporeal… … Wikipedia
Apheresis — A*pher e*sis (?; 277), n. [L. aphaeresis, Gr. ?, fr. ? to take away; ? + ? to take.] 1. (Gram.) The dropping of a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; e. g., cute for acute. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surg.) An operation by which any part is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apheresis — or aphaeresis [ə fer′ə sis] n. [LL aphaeresis < Gr aphairesis < aphairein, to take away < apo , away + hairein, to take] the dropping of a letter, syllable, or phoneme at the beginning of a word (Ex.: cause for because) apheretic adj.… … English World dictionary
Apheresis — The process of removing a specific component from blood and returning the remaining components to the donor, in order to collect more of one particular part of the blood than could be separated from a unit of whole blood. Also called hemapheresis … Medical dictionary
apheresis — noun, plural (aphereses) Etymology: from apheresis (as in plasmapheresis) Date: 1977 withdrawal of blood from a donor s body, removal of one or more blood components (as plasma, platelets, or white blood cells), and transfusion of the remaining… … New Collegiate Dictionary
apheresis — noun 1. (linguistics) omission at the beginning of a word as in coon for raccoon or till for until • Syn: ↑aphaeresis • Derivationally related forms: ↑apheretic, ↑aphaeretic (for: ↑aphaeresis) … Useful english dictionary
apheresis — См. afèresi … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
apheresis — noun a) The removal of blood from a patient in order that certain components (such as platelets) may be removed before transfusion back to the donor. b) The loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word, such as the development of from … Wiktionary
apheresis — [ɛɪfə ri:sɪs] noun 1》 Linguistics omission of the initial sound of a word, as when he is is pronounced he s. 2》 Medicine a technique by which a particular substance or component is removed from the blood. Origin C16: via late L. from Gk… … English new terms dictionary
apheresis — a•pher•e•sis or aphaeresis [[t]əˈfɛr ə sɪs[/t]] n. ling. the loss or omission of one or more letters or sounds at the beginning of a word, as in squire for esquire or count for account[/ex] • Etymology: 1605–15; < LL aphaeresis < Gk… … From formal English to slang