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antodontalgic — /an toh don tal jik/, adj., n. Dentistry. antiodontalgic. * * * antodontalgic variant of anti odontalgic … Useful english dictionary
antodontalgic — ant·odon·tal·gic (ant″o don talґjik) antiodontalgic … Medical dictionary
antiodontalgic — /an tee oh don tal jik, an tuy /, Dentistry. adj. 1. relieving the pain of a toothache. n. 2. a toothache remedy. Also, antodontalgic. [1810 20; ANTI + ODONTALGIC] * * * … Universalium
antiodontalgic — /an tee oh don tal jik, an tuy /, Dentistry. adj. 1. relieving the pain of a toothache. n. 2. a toothache remedy. Also, antodontalgic. [1810 20; ANTI + ODONTALGIC] * * * antiodontalgic /an ti ō don talˈjik/ (medicine) adjective and noun (a… … Useful english dictionary
ant|o|don|tal|gic — «ant OH don TAL jihk», noun, adjective. –n. a drug or agent that prevents or relieves toothache. –adj. that acts as an antodontalgic … Useful english dictionary