antimony sulfide
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antimony sulfide — noun : either of two sulfides of antimony: a. also antimony trisulfide : the trisulfide Sb2S3 occurring native as stibnite, obtained synthetically as an orange red precipitate, and used chiefly as a pigment (as in camouflage paints), in… … Useful english dictionary
golden antimony sulfide — noun see antimony sulfide … Useful english dictionary
antimony trisulfide colloid — antimony sulfide (Sb2S3), a pharmaceutic aid … Medical dictionary
antimony — A silvery white, brittle, yet soft metal, used in alloys to improve the working qualities of other metals, britannia, lead, and pewter, for example. Antimony sulfide was used as the cosmetic known as kohl in Egypt and other Middle Eastern… … Glossary of Art Terms
antimony crude — noun : antimony sulfide … Useful english dictionary
antimony pentasulfide — noun see antimony sulfide * * * /pen teuh sul fuyd/, Chem. a deep yellow, water insoluble powder, Sb2S5, used chiefly as a pigment in oil and water colors … Useful english dictionary
antimony trisulfide — noun see antimony sulfide * * * Chem. a black or orange red, crystalline, water insoluble solid, Sb2S3, used chiefly as a pigment in paints and in the manufacture of fireworks and matches … Useful english dictionary
Antimony — This article is about the element. For the town, see Antimony, Utah. Not to be confused with Antinomy, a type of paradox. tin ← antimony → tellurium As ↑ Sb ↓ Bi … Wikipedia
antimony — antimonial, adj., n. /an teuh moh nee/, n. Chem. a brittle, lustrous, white metallic element occurring in nature free or combined, used chiefly in alloys and in compounds in medicine. Symbol: Sb; at. no.: 51; at. wt.: 121.75. [1375 1425; late ME… … Universalium
sulfide mineral — or sulphide mineral Any member of a group of compounds of sulfur with one or more metals. The metals that occur most commonly are iron, copper, nickel, lead, cobalt, silver, and zinc. They are the ore minerals of most metals used by industry (e.g … Universalium