
n., adj.

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  • anti-inflation — ˌanti inˈflation also ˌanti inˈflationary adjective ECONOMICS anti inflation policies or laws are aimed at preventing or reducing the effect of things that cause inflation, for example wages that rise too quickly: • Tough new anti inflation… …   Financial and business terms

  • Anti-Inflation Act — The Anti Inflation Act was a Canadian Act of Parliament that was passed in 1975 by Pierre Trudeau s government in order to slow down the rapidly increasing price and wage inflation. The price and wage controls were enforced until 1978 and the Act …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-inflation Board — The Anti inflation Board was a body of the Government of Canada responsible for monitoring and controlling wages and prices. It was created upon the passing of Bill C 73 on 13 October 1975.References*Michelle Dust.… …   Wikipedia

  • anti-inflation — an ti in•fla′tion n. adj …   From formal English to slang

  • anti-inflation — n., adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • Reference re Anti-Inflation Act — SCCInfoBox case name=Reference re Anti Inflation Act full case name=Reference re Anti Inflation Act heard date=May 31, June 1 4, 1976 decided date=July 12, 1976 citations= [1976] 2 S.C.R. 373 history=Reference question by the governor in council… …   Wikipedia

  • Inflation — The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * inflation in‧fla‧tion [ɪnˈfleɪʆn] noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services …   Financial and business terms

  • inflation — The creation of money by monetary authorities. In more popular usage, the creation of money that visibly raises goods prices and lowers the purchasing power of money. It may be creeping, trotting, or galloping, depending on the rate of money… …   Financial and business terms

  • Anti-union organizations in the United States — In the United States shortly after 1900, there were just a few effective employers organizations that opposed the union movement. By 1903, these organizations started to coalesce, and a national employers movement began to exert a powerful… …   Wikipedia

  • INFLATION — Phénomène économique majeur de la période ouverte par la Seconde Guerre mondiale, multiforme par l’échelle (inflation rampante, hyperinflation), la durée (inflation courte, inflation longue) ou le lieu (pays industrialisés, pays en développement) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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