- antidesiccant
/an'tee des"i keuhnt, an'tuy-/, n. Hort.a substance or material applied to a plant, as by spraying, to inhibit moisture loss during transplanting.[ANTI- + DESICCANT]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
antidesiccant — ˌ noun Etymology: anti (I) + desiccant (II) : antitranspirant herein * * * /an tee des i keuhnt, an tuy /, n. Hort. a substance or material applied to a plant, as by spraying, to inhibit moisture loss during transplanting. [ … Useful english dictionary
antidesiccant — an·ti·desiccant … English syllables
antidesiccant — an ti•des′ic•cant n … From formal English to slang
sunscald — /sun skawld /, n. injury to the leaves, bark, or underlying tissues of woody plants due to the combined effects of heat, humidity, and intense sunshine. [1850 55; SUN + SCALD1] * * * ▪ plant pathology common disorder of exposed, thin barked … Universalium
antitranspirant — ˌ noun ( s) Etymology: anti (I) + transpiration + ant (I) : a substance (as pine oil) that is usually sprayed on plant surfaces (as of the leaves and stems) to reduce transpiration and inhibit water loss called also antidesiccant … Useful english dictionary