- anticyclogenesis
/an'tee suy'kloh jen"euh sis, an'tuy-/, n. Meteorol.[ANTICYCLO(NE) + GENESIS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Anticyclogenesis — is the development or strengthening of anticyclonic circulation in the atmosphere. It is the opposite of anticyclolysis, and has a cyclonic equivalent cyclogenesis. cite web title = American Meteorological Society Glossary Anticyclogenesis… … Wikipedia
anticyclogenesis — noun the development or strengthening of anticyclonic circulation in the atmosphere. Ant: cyclogenesis, anticyclolysis … Wiktionary
anticyclogenesis — an·ti·cy·clo·gen·e·sis … English syllables
anticyclogenesis — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) at anti I+|sīklō|jenəsə̇s noun Etymology: New Latin, from English anticyclone + Latin genesis : the formation or development of an anticyclone * * * /an … Useful english dictionary
Cyclogenesis — The initial frontal wave (or low pressure area) forms at the location of the red dot on the image. It is usually perpendicular (at a right angle) to the leaf like cloud formation (baroclinic leaf) seen on satellite during the early stage of… … Wikipedia
Jet stream — Jet streams are fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found at the tropopause, the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with height) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with height), [United States… … Wikipedia
Cyclone — This article is about the meteorological phenomenon. For other uses, see Cyclone (disambiguation). Polar low over the Barents Sea on February 27, 1987 In meteorology, a cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same… … Wikipedia
Anticyclone — In meteorology, an anticyclone (that is, opposite to a cyclone) is a weather phenomenon in which there is a descending movement of the air and a high pressure area over the part of the planet s surface affected by it. Anticyclonic flow spirals in … Wikipedia
North American High — The North American High (also Canadian High/Anticyclone, sometimes in Europe Greenland High/Anticyclone) is an impermanent high pressure area or anticyclone created by anticyclogenesis (anticyclone + the Greek word genesis, meaning birth, origin… … Wikipedia
1968 Pacific hurricane season — Infobox hurricane season Basin=EPac Year=1968 Track=1968 Pacific hurricane season map.png First storm formed=June 20, 1968 Last storm dissipated=October 28, 1968 Strongest storm name=Rebecca Strongest storm pressure=965 Strongest storm winds=75… … Wikipedia