
/ant"berrd'/, n.
any of numerous passerine birds of the family Formicariidae, of the New World tropics, many species of which follow army ant swarms to feed on insects disturbed by the ants.

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▪ bird family
Sy Montgomery

      any of numerous insect-eating birds (bird) of the American tropics (order Passeriformes (passeriform)) known for habitually following columns of marching ants (ant). There are 188 species in more than 45 genera. Like their near relatives, the Furnariidae, antbirds are highly diverse; all are of small to medium size (9.5–37 cm [4–14 inches]), with drab, fluffy plumage (the sexes usually differ); short, rounded wings; strong legs; and front toes partly joined at the base. Many have a rather stout bill with a hooked (and sometimes also notched) tip. Most make cup-shaped nests (nest). All have loud, usually unmusical voices that may be heard in echo duets. Antbirds are insectivorous. Beyond these few generalizations, subgroups are vaguely characterized by popular names likening them to birds of other families—antwren, antpitta, antshrike, ant-vireo, and ant thrush (the former name of the group); still other antbirds are called bare eyes, fire eyes, and bush bird.

      Antbirds often follow raiding parties of swarming ants—not to eat them but to take advantage of the insect bonanza flushed from cover by the voracious army. Some large dominant species, such as the ocellated antbird (Phaenostictus mcleannani), control the central zone of the ant swarm, where the prey is richest. Smaller subordinate species, such as the bicoloured antbird (Gymnopithys leucaspis), are chased from the central area and take up spots in less-productive foraging zones, where they chase away even smaller antbirds, such as the white-plumed antbird (Pithys albifrons). Sometimes 50 species of antbirds can be found within small areas of the Amazon.

Sy Montgomery

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Universalium. 2010.

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