anno Domini

anno Domini
/an"oh dom"euh nuy', -nee', ah"noh/.
See A.D.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Anno domini — Dionysius Exiguus a inventé les années Anno Domini pour prévoir la date de Pâques. Anno Domini, ou plus exactement Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, signifie littéralement An du Seigneur, An de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ. Ce terme évoque l’année… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Anno Domini — An no Dom i*ni [L., in the year of [our] Lord [Jesus Christ]; usually abbrev. a. d.] In the year of the Christian era; as, a. d. 1887. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anno domini — (abbreviation A.D.) In the year of our Lord. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations …   Law dictionary

  • ANNO Domini — in supputatione annorum, quando uti Christiani coeperint, vide infra, ubi de Incarnatione et Nativitate Iesu Christi ut et supra aliquid. in Anni Gratiae …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Anno Domini — er latin og betyder i det Herrens år. Det relaterer til årstallene som de er defineret i den gregorianske kalender …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Anno Domini — 1570s, Latin, lit. in the year of (our) Lord …   Etymology dictionary

  • anno Domini — (A.D.) an·no Dom·i·ni || ‚ænəʊ dÉ’mɪnaɪ in the year of our Lord (Latin phrase used to designate the years since the reputed date of the birth of Christ) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Anno Domini — used to show that a date is a particular number of years after the birth of Christ: What will world population be by 2000 AD? | in the first century AD compare BC …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • anno Domini — [ä′nō dō′mē nē΄, an′ō däm′ə nī΄] adv. [L, in the year of the Lord] [often A D ] in the (given) year since the beginning of the Christian Era …   English World dictionary

  • Anno Domini — This article is about the designation of years. For other uses, see Anno Domini (disambiguation). AD redirects here. For other uses, see AD (disambiguation). Dionysius Exiguus invented Anno Domini years to date Easter. Anno Domini (abbreviated as …   Wikipedia

  • Anno Domini — Dionisio el Exiguo inventó la era Anno Dómini para calcular la fecha de Pascua Anno Domini (en latín ‘en el año del Señor’), abreviado A. D., es un indicador calendario que indica que la cifra antecedente está contada a partir del año… …   Wikipedia Español

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