
/ahn"hahlt/, n.
a former state in central Germany, now part of Saxony-Anhalt.

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Former German state in what is now central Germany.

The area around the upper Elbe River from which Anhalt was constituted was, in the 11th century, still part of the duchy of Saxony. It achieved separate territorial status in 1212. Subdivided and reunited frequently, it was finally reconstituted as the duchy of Anhalt by Leopold IV in 1863. It became part of the German Empire in 1871. Reconstituted after World War II as Saxony-Anhalt, it subsequently became part of East Germany and, in 1990, part of reunified Germany.

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▪ former state, Germany
      former German state, which was a duchy from 1863 to 1918 and a Land (state) until 1945, when it was merged in Saxony-Anhalt. Saxony-Anhalt was a Land of the German Democratic Republic from 1949 to 1952, when it was broken up into Bezirke (districts), the former territories of Anhalt being divided between the Bezirke of Magdeburg and of Halle. Upon the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, Saxony-Anhalt was reconstituted a Land and included the former Magdeburg Bezirk, most of the former Halle Bezirk, and a small part of Cottbus Bezirk.

      Territorially the duchy of Anhalt was divided into two major parts (the eastern one comprising Zerbst, Dessau, Köthen [Cöthen], and Bernburg, the western one being centred on Ballenstedt) and five smaller ones, all of them enclaves within the geographic boundaries of the Prussian province of Saxony.

      The level country around the upper Elbe River from which Anhalt was constituted was in the 11th century still part of the duchy of Saxony. It was united in the 12th century in the possession of Albert I the Bear, margrave of Brandenburg, and was made a separate county in 1212 under Albert's grandson Henry, who in 1218 took the title Fürst (prince). When he died in 1252, his three sons divided the Anhalt lands among themselves, thus inaugurating the three lines of Aschersleben, Bernburg, and Zerbst. The Aschersleben line died out in 1315. The remainder existed as Anhalt-Dessau and Anhalt-Köthen in the 16th century, but, beginning in 1603, it was divided into four parts: Dessau, Bernburg, Zerbst, and Köthen. Zerbst was absorbed by the other three in 1793, and in 1806, when the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, the three surviving princes each assumed the title of duke. In 1863 all of Anhalt was united under Leopold IV of Anhalt-Dessau.

      Anhalt had become Protestant at the time of the Reformation, and, beginning in the 17th century, it came under Prussian influence. The reorganization of the Prussian army by Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau in the early 18th century contributed to the later victories of Frederick II the Great. In 1807 the Anhalt dukes joined the Confederation of the Rhine set up by Napoleon and supported him until 1813. In 1815 they joined the German Confederation and in 1828 the Zollverein (Customs Union) organized by Prussia. In 1871 Anhalt became a state of the newly founded German Reich. Under the republican Weimar Constitution, adopted in 1919, Anhalt became a Land of the German Reich.

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