- angle
n.1. Geom.a. the space within two lines or three or more planes diverging from a common point, or within two planes diverging from a common line.b. the figure so formed.c. the amount of rotation needed to bring one line or plane into coincidence with another, generally measured in radians or in degrees, minutes, and seconds, as in 12° 10prime; 30", which is read as 12 degrees, 10 minutes, and 30 seconds.2. an angular projection; a projecting corner: the angles of a building.3. a viewpoint; standpoint: He looked at the problem only from his own angle.4. Journalism.b. the point of view from which copy is written, esp. when the copy is intended to interest a particular audience: The financial editor added a supplementary article from the investor's angle.5. one aspect of an event, problem, subject, etc.: The accountant emphasized the tax angle of the leasing arrangement.8. Astrol. any of the four interceptions of the equatorial circle by the two basic axes, the horizon and the meridian: commonly identified by the compass directions.10. Slang. play the angles, to use every available means to reach one's goal: A second-rate talent can survive only by playing all the angles.v.t.11. to move or bend in an angle.12. to set, fix, direct, or adjust at an angle: to angle a spotlight.13. Journalism. to write or edit in such a way as to appeal to a particular audience; slant: She angled her column toward teenagers.v.i.14. to turn sharply in a different direction: The road angles to the right.15. to move or go in angles or at an angle: The trout angled downstream.[1350-1400; ME < MF < L angulus, of unclear orig.]angle2v.i.1. to fish with hook and line.2. to attempt to get something by sly or artful means; fish: to angle for a compliment.n.3. Archaic. a fishhook or fishing tackle.[bef. 900; ME v. angelen, n. angel, angul, OE angel, angul; c. Fris, D angel, OS, OHG angul ( > G Angel), ON ongull; Gk ankýlos bent, Skt ankusá- hook; akin to OE anga, OHG ango, L uncus, Gk ónkos hook; relation, if any, to L angulus ANGLE1 not clear]
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Any member of a Germanic people who, with the Jutes and Saxons, invaded England in the 5th century AD.According to Bede, their homeland was Angulus, traditionally identified as the Angeln district in Schleswig. They abandoned this area when they invaded Britain, where they settled in the kingdoms of Mercia, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Middle Anglia. Their language was known, even then, as Englisc, and they gave their name to England.* * *
▪ peoplemember of a Germanic people, which, together with the Jutes, Saxons, and probably the Frisians, invaded England in the 5th century AD. The Angles gave their name to England, as well as to the word Englisc, used even by Saxon writers to denote their vernacular tongue. The Angles are first mentioned by Tacitus (1st century AD) as worshipers of the deity Nerthus. According to the Venerable Bede in the Ecclesiastical History of the English People, their continental homeland was centred in Angulus, traditionally identified as the Angeln district in Schleswig between the Schlei inlet and the Flensburger Förde, which they appear to have abandoned at the time of their invasion of Britain. They settled in large numbers during the 5th and 6th centuries in the kingdoms of Mercia, Northumbria, and East and Middle Anglia.* * *
Universalium. 2010.