
/an"choh vee, -cheuh-, an choh"vee/, n., pl. anchovies.
any small, marine, herringlike fish of the family Engraulidae, esp. Engraulis encrasicholus, found in the Mediterranean Sea, often preserved in oil and used in salads, spreads, etc., or packaged in paste form.
[1590-1600; < F or Ibero-Romance < Genoese anchua, anchova < VL *apiu(v)a, var. of L apua (Pliny) < Gk aphýe fry of various fishes]

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Any of more than 100 species of schooling saltwater fishes (family Engraulidae) related to the herring.

Anchovies are distinguished by a large mouth, almost always extending behind the eye, and by a pointed snout. Most species live in shallow tropical or warm temperate seas, where they often enter brackish water around river mouths. Adults are 410 in. (1025 cm) long. Temperate species such as the northern and European anchovies are important food fishes; tropical species such as the tropical anchovy, or anchoveta, are important bait fishes. See also schooling behaviour.

Anchovies (Engraulis mordax)

Tom McHugh
Photo Researchers

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 any of numerous schooling saltwater fishes of the family Engraulidae (order Clupeiformes) related to the herring and distinguished by a large mouth, almost always extending behind the eye, and by a pointed snout. Most of the more than 100 species live in shallow tropical or warm temperate seas, where they often enter brackish water around river mouths. A few tropical anchovies inhabit freshwater.

      Anchovies lay large numbers of elongate, transparent, floating eggs in spring and summer. The eggs hatch in about two days, and the larvae sink to the bottom. Young and adult anchovies feed on plankton, and their growth is rapid. Adult anchovies are 1025 cm (410 inches) long. Temperate-water types such as the northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) and the European anchovy (E. encrasicholus) are important food fishes; tropical ones such as the tropical anchovy or anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) are important bait, especially in the tuna fishery. Large numbers of anchovies of the genus Coilia, which have long anal fins and tapered bodies, are dried and eaten in China. Many species of anchovies are easily injured and are killed by contact with a net or other solid object.

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Universalium. 2010.

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