- Amphithemis
/am fith"euh mis/, n. Class. Myth.a son of Apollo and Acacallis.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Amphithemis — AMPHITHĔMIS, ĭdis, (⇒ Tab. XIV.) des Apollo und der Akakallis Sohn, welcher mit der Nymphe, Tritonis, den Nasamon und Cephalion, oder, wie ihn andere nennen, Caphaurus, zeugete. Apollon. Rhod. lib. IV. v. 1495. & Hygin. Fab. 14. pag. 53 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
AMPHITHEMIS — Thebanorum Dux, qui bello Graeciae Lacedaemonios implicavit. Plut. in Lysandro, et Pausan. l. 3 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Amphithemis — /am fith euh mis/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Acacallis … Useful english dictionary
List of odonates of India — The following is a list of the dragonflies and damselflies found in India.Aeshnidae* Aeshna ** Aeshna flavifrons Lichtenstein, 1976 ** Aeshna juncea mongolica ** Aeshna mixta mixta Latreille, 1805 ** Aeshna petalura petalura * Anaciaeschna **… … Wikipedia
Список стрекоз Индии — Diplacodes trivialis В данный список включены все представители отряда Стрекозы (Odonata), обитающие на территории Индии. Содержание … Википедия
Apollo — This article is about the Greek and Roman god. For other uses, see Apollo (disambiguation) and Phoebus (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Phobos (mythology). Apollo … Wikipedia
Lake Tritonis — is a Classical era lake possibly found in southern Tunisia. It was named after Triton. It supposedly contained two islands, Phla and Mene. LocationThe location is unclear. The lake is mentioned as being in Libya, a land the ancient Greeks… … Wikipedia
Acacallis (mythology) — Acacallis (Greek: polytonic|Ἀκακαλλίς) in Greek mythology is the daughter of Minos, king of Crete, and Pasiphae. According to a Cretan mythological tradition, she bore a son to Hermes, Cydon, the founder of Cydonia. Other traditions describe… … Wikipedia
Libellulinae — Plattbauch (Libellula depressa) Systematik Ordnung: Libellen (Odonata) Unterordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nasamons — Les Nasamons est un peuple libyque nomade vivant au sud de la grande Syrte (Libye)[Quand ?]. Ils résidaient tantôt sur les côtes, tantôt dans le désert, et servaient d intermédiaire au commerce entre Carthage et l Égypte. Ils furent soumis… … Wikipédia en Français