Catalytic — Cat a*ly tic, a. Relating to, or causing, catalysis. The catalytic power is ill understood. Ure. [1913 Webster] {Catalytic force}, that form of chemical energy formerly supposed to determine catalysis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Catalytic — Cat a*lyt ic, n. (Chem.) An agent employed in catalysis, as platinum black, aluminium chloride, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catalytic — (adj.) from Gk. katalytikos able to dissolve, from katalyein (see CATALYSIS (Cf. catalysis)) … Etymology dictionary
catalytic — See catalytic converter dual bed catalytic converter mini catalytic converter open loop catalytic converter pellet type catalytic converter primary catalytic converter three way catalytic converter … Dictionary of automotive terms
catalytic — [[t]kæ̱təlɪ̱tɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n In chemistry, a catalytic substance or a substance with catalytic properties is a substance which increases the speed of a chemical reaction. ...carbon molecules with unusual chemical and catalytic properties.… … English dictionary
catalytic — adj. Chem. relating to or involving catalysis. Phrases and idioms: catalytic converter a device incorporated in the exhaust system of a motor vehicle, with a catalyst for converting pollutant gases into harmless products. catalytic cracker a… … Useful english dictionary
catalytic — Relating to or effecting catalysis. * * * cat·a·lyt·ic .kat əl it ik adj causing, involving, or relating to catalysis <a catalytic reaction> cat·a·lyt·i·cal·ly it i k(ə )lē adv * * * cat·a·lyt·ic (kat″ə litґik) [Gr. katalyein to… … Medical dictionary
catalytic — catalysis ► NOUN ▪ the acceleration of a chemical reaction by a catalyst. DERIVATIVES catalytic adjective. ORIGIN Greek katalusis dissolution … English terms dictionary
Catalytic reforming — is a chemical process used to convert petroleum refinery naphthas, typically having low octane ratings, into high octane liquid products called reformates which are components of high octane gasoline (also known as petrol). Basically, the process … Wikipedia
Catalytic force — Catalytic Cat a*ly tic, a. Relating to, or causing, catalysis. The catalytic power is ill understood. Ure. [1913 Webster] {Catalytic force}, that form of chemical energy formerly supposed to determine catalysis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English