
amphitheatric /am'feuh thee a"trik/, amphitheatrical, adj.amphitheatrically, adv.
/am"feuh thee'euh teuhr, -theeeu'teuhr/, n.
1. an oval or round building with tiers of seats around a central open area, as those used in ancient Rome for gladiatorial contests.
2. any similar place for public contests, games, performances, exhibitions, etc.; an arena, stadium, or auditorium.
3. a room having tiers of seats arranged around a central area, in which students and other observers can view surgery, hear lectures, etc.
4. Brit.
a. the first section of seats in the gallery of a theater.
b. a designated section of seats in any part of a theater.
5. a level area of oval or circular shape surrounded by rising ground.
[1540-50; < L amphitheatrum < Gk amphithéatron. See AMPHI-, THEATER]

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Freestanding, open-air round or oval structure with a central arena and tiers of concentric seats.

The amphitheater originated in ancient Italy (Etruria and Campania) and reflects the entertainment forms popular there, including gladiatorial games and contests of animals with one another or of men with animals. The earliest extant amphitheater is one built at Pompeii (с 80 BC). Examples survive throughout the former provinces of the Roman empire, the most famous being Rome's Colosseum.

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