- amphipod
/am"feuh pod'/, n.1. any of numerous small, flat-bodied crustaceans of the group Amphipoda, including the beach fleas, sand hoppers, etc.adj.2. of or pertaining to the amphipods.[1825-35; < NL Amphipoda; see AMPHI-, -POD]
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any member of the invertebrate order Amphipoda (class Crustacea) inhabiting all parts of the sea, lakes, rivers, sand beaches, caves, and moist (warm) habitats on many tropical islands. Marine amphipods have been found at depths of more than 9,100 m (30,000 feet). Freshwater and marine beach species are commonly known as scuds; those that occupy sand beaches are called sand hoppers, or sand fleas (see sand flea). About 6,000 species have been described. Extraordinarily abundant in the rocky coastal regions of all seas and often exceeding concentrations of 10,000 per square m (1,000 per square foot), amphipods are often mistaken for tiny shrimp, which they resemble. They are important food for many fishes, invertebrates, penguins, shore birds, small cetaceans, and pinnipeds. Amphipods are also important as scavengers of carrion.Body length varies from 1 to 140 mm (0.04 to 5.5 inches), but the amphipod of midlatitude regions is about 4 to 10 mm long (0.16 to 0.4 inch). Many amphipods are brightly coloured—red, pink, yellow, green, or blue. The body is usually compressed from side to side (i.e., height is greater than width), thus in part facilitating rapid sliding movement through algal fronds (leaflike structures). Most amphipods are active swimmers, being propelled by three pairs of abdominal appendages. That they are also strong jumpers is best seen in sand fleas.The antennae are long and hairy. As in the shrimp, the head and tail ends are often curved downward. The eyes are sessile (without a stalk). Some species with piercing and sucking mouthparts are rather strictly confined to sedentary positions on large, mostly nonmoving invertebrates, such as cnidarians and sponges. Members of one marine family (Cheluridae) chew wood and are always found associated with the isopod Limnoria, another wood borer. In contrast, other amphipod species (such as those of the family Gammaridae (gammarid)) are mostly scavengers and herbivores that typically burrow into the soft mud of the sea bottom. Amphipod gills are partially protected by long coxae, which are ventral extensions of the basal leg segments. Amphipods have compound eyes, like crabs and insects; however, the eyes of amphipods never occur on stalks.The sexes are separate, males often being characterized by enlarged gnathopods (claws on the second thoracic segment) used to grasp females during copulation. The male presumably emits sperm, or spermatophores (balls of sperm), to fertilize the eggs of the female externally.The number of eggs in a clutch varies from one to more than 250. The arrangement of gills provides a chamber for fertilized eggs, which are carried externally by the female and held in a cluster near the gills. The gammaridean egg cluster is probably oxygenated with water currents created by beating appendages called pleopods. Eggs hatch in 2 to 59 days, and the young may remain in the brood pouch for from 2 to 35 days. After six to nine molts over an interval of one to four months, sexual maturity is attained. A few cold-water species live at least a year, perhaps far longer.The generic diversity of amphipods is apparently higher in cool waters than in warm ones. One enigma is the enormous diversity of species, more than 290 in the Siberian Lake Baikal. Fossilization of amphipods is poor; only six genera have been recorded, the earliest of which, Paleogammarus, is found in Baltic amber of the Early Eocene epoch (55.8 to 48.6 million years ago); it closely resembles a recent genus, Crangonyx.* * *
Universalium. 2010.