American Association of Retired Persons
- American Association of Retired Persons
an organization of retirement-
age persons (
aged 50 or over)
devoted to informing its members of all rights and benefits to which they are entitled.
Abbr.: AARP
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▪ American organization
nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to address the needs and interests of middle-aged and elderly people in the United States. Its membership is open to all persons age 50 or older, whether working or retired. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
The AARP was founded in 1958 by a retired teacher,
Ethel Percy Andrus,
with the goal of helping older Americans remain physically and intellectually active by serving others.
In 1982 the AARP merged with the National Retired Teachers Association (
an organization that Andrus had founded in 1947 to obtain pension and health insurance benefits for retired educators.
The AARP offers a broad range of services and benefits to its members. Among these are a group health insurance program; special discounts on automobile rental, airline, and hotel rates; automotive insurance; a credit union; and pharmacy and travel services. It sponsors community-service programs in such areas as crime prevention, defensive driving, adult education, consumer affairs, and the counseling of widowed persons. A program on retirement planning is also offered, and special services to retired teachers are provided through the NRTA. The AARP issues video programs and printed materials on various health topics and on other aging-related issues. It publishes a bimonthly magazine, Modern Maturity, as well as the monthly AARP Bulletin. Volunteers implement most of the community service and other programs through the local chapters of the AARP. The AARP's board of directors serve on a voluntary basis and are elected at a biennial convention.
One of the AARP's major functions is as a legislative advocate for the elderly at the federal and state levels, working to influence the passage of legislation that affects older citizens. The steadily rising proportion of elderly in the American population had given the AARP a membership of more than 30 million by the late 20th century. This large membership, coupled with the higher voting rates of elderly Americans, helped make the AARP one of the most powerful advocacy groups in American politics by the century's end.
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