Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III
/ah'meuhn hoh"tep, am'euhn-/
king of Egypt 1411?-1375 B.C. Also called Amenophis III /am'euh noh"fis/.

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flourished 14th century BC

Egyptian pharaoh (r. 139053 BC) during a time of prosperity.

Early in his reign he led a military campaign south of Egypt, but otherwise his rule was peaceful. His reign is noted for the expansion of diplomacy with Syria, Cyprus, Babylon, and Assyria, and the construction of public buildings in Memphis, Thebes, and Nubia, including portions of the temples at Luxor and Karnak. He broke with tradition by marrying Tiy, a commoner, with whom he shared his rule. He was succeeded by his son Akhenaton.

Amenhotep III, head of a statue from western Thebes, c. 1390 BC

Reproduced by courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum

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king of Egypt
also called  Amenophis III 
 king of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient) (reigned 139053 BCE) in a period of peaceful prosperity, who devoted himself to expanding diplomatic contacts and to extensive building in Egypt and Nubia.

      In the fifth year of his reign, Amenhotep conducted campaigns against a territory called Akuyata in Nubia. Thereafter his reign was peaceful, except for some disturbances in the Nile River delta, which Amenhotep, son of Hapu, the king's most prominent official, quelled by carefully regulating access into Egypt by land and sea.

 Amenhotep III in his early years enjoyed hunting in the tradition of his father, Thutmose IV, and grandfather, Amenhotep II, and on two occasions issued large commemorative scarabs (scarab) to proclaim several of his feats. Early in his reign he married Tiy, a commoner and a shrewd and able woman. She became the chief queen and was the mother of the reforming king Akhenaton. In the 11th year of his reign, Amenhotep ordered the excavation of a large inland basin, the location of which remains unknown.

 Utilizing the talents of Amenhotep, son of Hapu, the king engaged in a great construction program, which included his own mortuary temple in western Thebes, of which the Colossi of Memnon remain the most prominent feature, and a major temple at Soleb in Nubia. His palace complex at Malkata in western Thebes was linked to the Nile by a large artificial harbour, the Birket Habu. The king also built the main portions of the temple at Luxor and a pylon in the temple at Karnak, both in ancient Thebes. He also constructed many buildings in Memphis.

      Amenhotep carried on lively diplomatic exchanges with the other great contemporary powers, as confirmed by the Amarna Letters (diplomatic archive of Amenhotep III and Akhenaton), which reveal that Egyptian gold was exchanged for horses, copper, and lapis lazuli from Asia. He contracted political marriages with the sisters and daughters of the kings of Mitanni (a powerful empire on the Euphrates River in northern Syria) and Babylon to consolidate alliances, and he sought to marry a Hittite princess as well. Diplomatic correspondence was also sent to Assyria, Cyprus, and a number of Egypt's Syrian vassals. Late in Amenhotep's reign, Tushratta, the ruler of Mitanni, forwarded a divine image to Egypt to cure the ailing king. Queen Tiy played a great role in his last days, and Tushratta even corresponded with her after her husband's death.

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