amende honorable
- amende honorable
/euh mend" on"euhr euh beuhl/; Fr. /ann mahonn daw naw rddann"bleu/, pl. amendes honorables /euh mendz" on"euhr euh beuhl/; Fr. /ann mahonn daw naw rddann"bleu/.
a formal apology to a person whose honor has been offended.
[1660-70; < F; see AMENDS, HONORABLE]
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Amende Honorable — L amende honorable était une peine infamante de l ancien droit pénal français, consistant pour le condamné à reconnaître publiquement sa faute et à en demander pardon à Dieu, à la société et aux hommes. Elle pouvait être simple, et dans ce cas le … Wikipédia en Français
Amende Honorable — • An obsolete form of honorary satisfaction, customary in the Church in France as late as the seventeenth century Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Amende Honorable Amende Honorable … Catholic encyclopedia
Amende honorable — was originally a mode of punishment in France which required the offender, stripped to his shirt, and led into a church or auditory with a torch in his hand and a rope round his neck held by the public executioner, to beg pardon on his knees of… … Wikipedia
Amende honorable — Amende A mende , n. [F. See {Amend}.] A pecuniary punishment or fine; a reparation or recantation. [1913 Webster] {Amende honorable}. (Old French Law) A species of infamous punishment in which the offender, being led into court with a rope about… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Amende honorable — L’amende honorable était une peine infamante d’Ancien Régime, plus grave que le blâme, mais moins que l’exposition publique, le fouet, la mutilation, les galères, le bannissement et la question[1]. On dit de quelqu un qu il « fait amende… … Wikipédia en Français
amende honorable — n. (pl. amendes honorables pronunc. same) a public or open apology, often with some form of reparation. Etymology: F, = honourable reparation * * * ȧmääⁿdȯnȯrȧblə, b(lə) noun (plural amendes honorables “) Etymology: French, literally … Useful english dictionary
amende honorable — [əˌmɒamende honorabled ɒnɔ: rα:bl(ə)] noun (plural amendes honorables pronunciation same) literary a public apology or reparation. Origin Fr., lit. honourable reparation … English new terms dictionary
AMENDE HONORABLE — originally a mode of punishment in France which required the offender, stripped to his shirt, and led into court with a rope round his neck held by the public executioner, to beg pardon on his knees of his God, his king, and his country; now… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
amende honorable — a·mende ho·no·ra·ble || amÉ’0303;Ëd É”nÉ”rabl form of punishment in which a person must attend church or court with a rope around his neck and beg forgiveness from God and his fellow man (Latin) … English contemporary dictionary
amende honorable — [Fr.] Apology (for improper treatment or language), reparation … New dictionary of synonyms