
/ahm"bawn/, n.
1. an island in the central Moluccas, in E Indonesia. 72,679; 314 sq. mi. (813 sq. km).
2. a seaport on this island. 56,037.
Also, Amboina.

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Island of the Moluccas, Indonesia.

Located in the Malay Archipelago, it is 31 mi (50 km) long and 10 mi (16 km) wide, with an area of 294 sq mi (761 sq km). Its chief port is also called Ambon (pop., 1995 est.: 249,312). The island is subject to earthquakes and volcanic activity; Mount Salhatu (3,405 ft [1,038 m]) is its highest point. The clove trade first attracted the Portuguese, who founded a settlement in 1521. The Dutch ousted the Portuguese in 1605, took over the spice trade, and in 1623 killed English settlers in the Amboina Massacre. The British captured Ambon in 1796 and 1810, but it was restored to the Dutch in 1814. It was a separate residency until it was united with Ternate to form the Government of the Moluccas (1927). The Japanese occupied it during World War II. A short-lived independence movement in 1950 was soon suppressed.

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formerly  Amboina or Amboyna 

      island and municipality of Maluku propinsi (province), Indonesia. Ambon island is located 7 miles (11 km) off the southwestern coast of the island of Seram. Its 294 square miles (761 square km) are generally hilly, with Mount Salhatu rising to 3,405 feet (1,038 metres). Although subject to earthquakes, Ambon has no active volcanoes, but it does have some hot springs and hot-gas vents, or solfataras. It has a tropical climate with an abundant rainfall. The hard and knotty Ambon wood, of great value for ornamental woodwork, is obtained from Seram. There are few mammals indigenous to Ambon, but birds include a racquet-tailed kingfisher, a crimson lory, and a vivid crimson brush-tongued parrot. Many varieties of fish live in Teluk (bay) Ambon, whose eastern end contains some marine gardens.

      Ambon's clove trade first attracted the Portuguese, who named the island and founded a settlement in 1521. The Dutch (Dutch Republic) captured the Portuguese fort in 1605, took over the spice trade, and in 1623 destroyed a British settlement in the Amboina Massacre. The British took it in 1796, and after it had exchanged hands twice between the British and Dutch, it was restored finally to the latter in 1814. An important naval base, Ambon was occupied by Japan during World War II. In 1950, after Indonesian independence, the Ambonesemany of whom had been educated in Christian schools and served in the Dutch administration and armyfound their new social and economic prospects unpromising; they refused to join the unitary Republic of Indonesia and proclaimed an independent South Moluccan Republic. The movement was suppressed by military action, though guerrilla warfare continued in Seram for over a decade, and many Ambonese fled to The Netherlands.

      The Ambonese are mainly Melanesian; they also live in the Uliasers and on the nearby Seram coast. The Muslims generally live in the north, and the Christians, in the majority and overwhelmingly Protestant, the south. The language, related to Timorese, serves as a regional lingua franca: it is of the Indonesian family, with many Portuguese and Dutch loanwords.

      Agricultural production, generally insignificant, includes corn (maize), coffee, root crops, sago, and cloves. Copra, sugar, and fish are exported, and palm wine is made. Ambon's port is the chief centre for shipment of produce and for distribution of imports. The island has adequate local roads, a government radio station, a telephone system, and Pattimura airport (on the western side of the harbour). Cultural amenities include Universitas Pattimura Ambon (1956), a religious college, and a museum.

      The port city of Ambon, on Laitimor Peninsula on the eastern side of the bay, is about 8 miles (13 km) from the harbour's outer entrance. The capital of Maluku province, it was known under the Dutch for its wide, tree-lined streets; stone houses; and imposing public buildings, including a hospital, a church dating from earliest settlement, and Fort Victoria, built in the early 17th century and later restored. Much of this, including government buildings and barracks, was destroyed in World War II and the following years. Since 1999, fighting between Christians and Muslims on Ambon has produced a mass exodus of Muslims, primarily to Buton in Sulawesi, and an influx of Christians fleeing conflict in other parts of Central Maluku, such as Seram, Buru, and Sula islands. Pop. (2000 est.) city, 312,100; island (including adjacent islands), 880,200.

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Universalium. 2010.

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