
/al pak"euh/, n.
1. a domesticated South American hoofed mammal, Lama pacos, having long, soft, silky fleece, related to the llama and believed to be a variety of the guanaco.
2. the fleece of this animal.
3. a fabric or yarn made of it.
4. a glossy, commonly black woolen fabric with cotton warp.
5. a crepe fabric made of rayon and acetate yarn in imitation of alpaca wool cloth.
[1805-15; < Sp < Aymara allpaqa]

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South American species (Lama pacos) in the camel family (Camelidae).

The alpaca, guanaco, llama, and vicuña are closely related and are known collectively as lamoids. Domesticated several thousand years ago by Indians of the Andes Mountains, the alpaca has a slender body, a long neck and legs, a small head, a short tail, and large, pointed ears. Alpacas stand about 35 in. (90 cm) at the shoulder and weigh 120145 lbs (5465 kg). They are found in central and southern Peru and western Bolivia, on marshy ground at high altitudes. They are the most important of the lamoids for wool production.

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 (Lama pacos), South American member of the camel family, Camelidae (order Artiodactyla), that is closely related to the llama, guanaco, and vicuña, which are known collectively as lamoids. The alpaca and the llama were both apparently domesticated several thousand years ago by the Indians of the Andes Mountains of South America. The other two lamoid species, the guanaco and vicuña, exist basically in the wild state.

      Like other lamoids, alpacas are slender-bodied animals with a long neck and legs, a short tail, a small head, and large, pointed ears. Alpacas are readily distinguished from llamas by their smaller size; they stand approximately 90 cm (35 inches) high at the shoulder and weigh 55 to 65 kg (121 to 143 pounds). The alpaca also differs from the llama in having a rounded, rather than squarish, body and in its habit of pressing its tail close to the body rather than holding it erect, as does the llama. The alpaca's shaggy coat varies in colour from the usual black or brown through lighter shades of gray and tan to pale yellow and, occasionally, white. The present distribution of alpacas is limited to central and southern Peru and western Bolivia. Alpacas are the most limited in range and the most specialized of the four lamoids, being adapted to marshy ground at altitudes from 4,000 to 4,800 m (13,000 to 15,700 feet). In adaptation to the reduced oxygen content of the air, their red blood corpuscles are exceptionally numerous.

      Alpacas are the most important of the lamoids for wool production. During the period of Incan civilization, the wearing of robes made of alpaca and vicuña wools was reserved for the nobility and royalty. Two breeds of alpaca, the huacaya and the suri, were developed in pre-Columbian times. The wool of the suri is fine and silky and grows long enough to touch the ground if the animal is not sheared. The wool of the huacaya is shorter and coarser by comparison. (See specialty hair fibre.) The alpaca's wool is remarkably lightweight, strong, lustrous, high in insulation value, and resistant to rain and snow. It is used in parkas, sleeping bags, and fine coat linings. Alpaca fibre is sometimes combined with other fibres to make dress and lightweight suit fabrics and is also woven as a pile fabric used both for coating and as a lining for outerwear. Peru is the leading producer of the wool, with most of it being marketed in the city of Arequipa. The Peruvian government has established a breeding program to improve the quality of alpaca wool and increase its production.

      Alpacas are normally sheared every two years, with the suris yielding fine fleeces of about 3 kg (6.5 pounds) per animal, and the huacayas giving coarser fleeces weighing about 2.5 kg. Hair growth in two years is about 30 cm (12 inches) in the huacaya and 60 cm in the suri. Individual fibres within the fleece range from about 20 to 40 cm in length at the time of shearing. Alpacas have a natural life span of 1520 years.

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Universalium. 2010.

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