
aldermancy, aldermanship, n.aldermanic /awl'deuhr man"ik/, adj.
/awl"deuhr meuhn/, n., pl. aldermen.
1. a member of a municipal legislative body, esp. of a municipal council.
2. (in England) one of the members, chosen by the elected councilors, in a borough or county council.
3. Early Eng. Hist.
a. a chief.
b. (later) the chief magistrate of a county or group of counties.
4. Northern U.S. Slang. a pot belly.
[bef. 900; ME; OE (e)aldormann, equiv. to ealdor chief, patriarch (eald OLD + -or n. suffix) + mann MAN1]
Usage. See -man.

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      member of the legislative body of a municipal corporation in England and the United States. In Anglo-Saxon England, ealdormen, or aldermen, were high-ranking officials of the crown who exercised judicial, administrative, or military functions. Earls, the governors of shires (counties), and other persons of distinction were among those who received the title of alderman. Later the title was used to designate the chief magistrate of a county or group of counties. Under legislation that reformed English local government in the 19th century, the term alderman was used to designate one type of membership in borough, municipal, and county councils. Of these councils' two types of members, councillors were elected by the voters, while aldermen were elected by the councillors. These aldermen had legislative, administrative, and some judicial functions. Because it was viewed as undemocratic, the office of alderman was abolished throughout England (except in the government of the City of London) by the Local Government Act of 1972.

      In the American colonial period, city councils resembled their British prototypes, in which aldermen and councillors sat together as one body under the chairmanship of the mayor. In addition to their legislative duties, aldermen exercised judicial power in minor civil and criminal cases. In most colonial boroughs, both aldermen and councilmen were chosen by the voters, a practice that became universal in the period of American independence. In the 19th century, when bicameral legislatures were common in city governments, the aldermen formed one legislative chamber and the councillors the other.

      In the 20th century, the title of alderman was typically used for members of the legislature in those cities that used a mayor-council form of government. In this type of system, aldermen were usually elected by wards rather than in city-wide contests. By contrast, members of the legislature in cities that used the commissioner or council-manager types of government were usually referred to as commissioners or councilmen. These titles have gradually replaced that of alderman in most American city governments, whatever their organizational plan.

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