
/al"euh veuh/, n.
Cape, a cape in NW Washington: westernmost point in the contiguous U.S.

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      provincia, northern Spain. Álava is the southernmost of the three Basque Country provincias of northern Spain and is located mainly on the southern slope of the Pyrenees Range. It is bounded by the Ebro River (southwest) and surrounds the enclaves of Treviño and Orduña belonging to Burgos and Vizcaya provincias, respectively. Álava has an area of 1,176 square miles (3,047 square km). Formerly a lordship, it was incorporated into Castile in 1332. With Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya, it became one of the three component provincias of the Basque Country comunidad autónoma (“autonomous community”) in 1980.

      The provincia consists of three distinct regions. In the northern woodlands sector, interspersed with isolated farms, lakes, and the valleys of the Urquiola, Bayas, and Omecillo rivers, the production of corn (maize) is the chief economic activity. The central heartland, as the Basque name Álava (araiiar, “set among the mountains”) implies, is an intermontane basin (of about 1,500 feet [460 m] elevation) called the Vitoria Plain. Chief crops cultivated on the plains area are wheat, barley, and oats; sugar beets predominate around the provincial capital, Vitoria (Vitoria-Gasteiz) (q.v.). The southern Álavese Rioja, separated from the Vitoria Plain by the Cantabrian and Toloño mountains, is known for its vineyards, orchards, and olive groves. Industry (powered by mostly hydroelectric dams) is concentrated in Vitoria. Pop. (1988 est.) 272,563.

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Universalium. 2010.

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