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agogic — AGÓGIC, Ă adj. Referitor la agogică. [cf. germ. agogisch]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN AGÓGIC v. agog. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN AGÓGIC, Ă I. adj. referitor la agogică. II. s … Dicționar Român
agogic — əˈgäjik, gōgik adjective Etymology: German agogisch, from Greek agōgē + German isch ish : of or relating to agoge or agogics especially to variations in tempo within a piece or movement tempos and agogic indications of an operatic score … Useful english dictionary
agogic Music — [ə gɒdʒɪk] adjective relating to or denoting accentuation within musical phrases by slight lengthening of notes. noun (agogics) [usu. treated as sing.] the use of agogic accents. Origin C19: from Ger. agogisch, from Gk agōgos leading , from agein … English new terms dictionary
agogic — noun an accent that accentuates a note by extending it slightly beyond its normal time value … Wiktionary
agogic — agog·ic … English syllables
agogic — Pertaining to the making of wax models … Grandiloquent dictionary
agogic — /əˈgɒdʒɪk/ (say uh gojik) adjective of or relating to variations of tempo in a piece of music. {Greek agōgē tempo + ic} …
agogic accent — /əˌgɒdʒɪk ˈæksɛnt/ (say uh.gojik aksent) noun an effect similar to an accent produced by sustaining one of a pair of notes slightly beyond its written value …
agogic accent — noun : stress secured through relative prolongation of the tones to be emphasized compare agogics … Useful english dictionary
agogics — agogic, adj. /euh goj iks, euh goh jiks/, n. (usually used with a sing. v.) Music. the theory that accent within a musical phrase can be produced by modifying the duration of certain notes rather than by increasing dynamic stress. [1920 25; see… … Universalium