
/aj'euh ray"teuhm, euh jer"euh-/, n.
1. any of several composite plants of the genus Ageratum, esp. A. houstonianum, having heart-shaped leaves and small, dense, blue, lavender, or white flower heads, often grown in gardens.
2. any of various other composite plants, as the mistflower, having blue or white flowers.
[1560-70; < NL; L ageraton < Gk agératon, neut. of agératos unaging, equiv. to a- A-6 + gerat- (s. of gêras) old age + -os adj. suffix]

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Any plant of the genus Ageratum, of the composite family, native to tropical South America.

Ageratum have toothed, oval leaves that are opposite each other on the stem; compact clusters of blue, pink, lilac, or white flowers; and small, dry fruits. Dwarf varieties are used as edging plants. Some ageratum are variously known as flossflower and pussyfoot.

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 any of about 45 species of annual herbs making up the genus Ageratum (family Asteraceae), and native to tropical South America. They have toothed, oval leaves that are opposite each other on the stem; compact clusters of blue, pink, lilac, or white flowers; and small, dry fruits.

      Dwarf varieties of the common garden ageratum (A. houstonianum) are used as edging plants. Some ageratums are variously known as flossflower and pussy-foot.

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Universalium. 2010.

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