
agedly, adv.agedness, n.
/ay"jid/ for 1, 2, 5, 6; /ayjd/ for 1, 3, 4, adj.
1. having lived or existed long; of advanced age; old: an aged man; an aged tree.
2. pertaining to or characteristic of old age: aged wrinkles.
3. of the age of: a man aged 40 years.
4. brought to maturity or mellowness, as wine, cheese, or wood: aged whiskey.
5. Phys. Geog. old; approaching the state of peneplain.
6. (used with a pl. v.) old people collectively (usually prec. by the): We must have improved medical care for the aged.
[1375-1425; late ME. See AGE, -ED2]
Syn. 1. ancient. See old.
Ant. 1. young.

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