
/ag"euh thon'/, n.
c450-c400 B.C., Greek poet and dramatist.

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Greek poet
born c. 445 BC
died c. 400 BC, Macedonia

      Athenian tragic poet whose first victory at the festival of the Great Dionysia, in which plays were presented and judged, was gained in 416 BC. The event is made, by Plato, the occasion for his dialogue Symposium, and the banquet, which is the setting of the dialogue, is placed in Agathon's house. Aristotle, in the Poetics, ascribes to Agathon a play, possibly The Flower, in which the characters, instead of being derived from the stock of Greek mythology, were his own invention, and he changed the traditional function of the choral lyrics so that they became musical interludes in the action of the play instead of offering comment upon it. Aristophanes, in his play The Thesmophoriazusae, includes a parody of Agathon, but in another of his plays, The Frogs, calls hima good [agathos] poet sorely missed by his friends.” Agathon spent his last years at the court of Archelaus of Macedonia. Only some 40 lines of his writing are extant.

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