- Afrocentric
/af'roh sen"trik/, adj.centered on Africa or on African-derived cultures, as those of Brazil, Cuba, and Haiti: Afrocentric art.[1985-90]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Afrocentric — [af΄rō sen′trik] adj. [ AFRO + CENTRIC] centered on, emphasizing, or showing the influence of African or, sometimes, African American history and culture [an Afrocentric curriculum] … English World dictionary
Afrocentric — adjective Date: 1966 1. centered on or derived from Africa or the Africans 2. emphasizing or promoting emphasis on African culture and the contributions of Africans to the development of Western civilization < an Afrocentric curriculum > •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Afrocentric — Af•ro•cen•tric [[t]ˌæf roʊˈsɛn trɪk[/t]] adj. centered on Africa or on African derived cultures, as those of Brazil, Cuba, and Haiti: Afrocentric art[/ex] • Etymology: 1965–70 Af ro•cen′trism, n. Af ro•cen′trist, n … From formal English to slang
Afrocentric — adj. based on African culture; derived from African culture … English contemporary dictionary
Afrocentric — adjective regarding African or black culture as pre eminent. Derivatives Afrocentrism noun Afrocentrist noun … English new terms dictionary
afrocentric — af·ro·cen·tric … English syllables
afrocentric — … Useful english dictionary
Afrocentrism — For the study of African culture and history, see African studies. Afrocentricity redirects here. For the book, see Afrocentricity (book) … Wikipedia
Molefi Kete Asante — Molefi Asante Born August 14, 1942 (1942 08 14) (age 69) Valdosta, Georgia Occupation … Wikipedia
Race in ancient history — The question what significance specific races had in ancient history has been answered from completely different perspective. Historically, theories on the Aryan race and the Nordic race have emphasised the importance of white people, but there… … Wikipedia