- Aeëtes
/ee ee"teez/, n. Class. Myth.a king of Colchis, father of Medea and custodian of the Golden Fleece.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Aeétes — AEÉTES, æ, Græc. Ἀιήτης, ου, (⇒ Tab. VI.) des Helius oder der Sonne, und der Perseis, Apollod. lib. I. c. 9. §. 1. oder der Persa, Hygin. Præf. II. oder auch, nach noch andern, der Antiope, Schol. Pind. ad Ol. Od. 13. ap. Muncker. ad Hygin. l. c … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Aeetes — [lateinisch], griechischer Mythos: Aietes … Universal-Lexikon
Aeëtes — In Greek mythology, Aeëtes (Greek: Αἰήτης) was a son of the king god Helios and the nymph Perseis (a daughter of Oceanus), brother of Circe and Pasiphae, and father of Medea, Chalciope and Apsyrtus. According to others, he was brother of Perses,… … Wikipedia
Aeetes Palace Hotel — (Кутаиси,Грузия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Galaktion Tabidze St … Каталог отелей
Aeétès — Éétès Dans la mythologie grecque, Éétès, Aiétès ou Æétès (en grec ancien Αἰήτης / Aiếtês) est le fils d Hélios (le Soleil) et de l Océanide Persé. Il est aussi le frère de Circé (considérée comme sa fille dans certaines traditions) et de Pasiphaé … Wikipédia en Français
Aeëtes — /iˈitiz/ (say ee eeteez) noun Greek Legend a king of Colchis, father of Medea, and custodian of the Golden Fleece …
Aeëtes — /ee ee teez/, n. Class. Myth. a king of Colchis, father of Medea and custodian of the Golden Fleece … Useful english dictionary
Hotel Aeetes — (Кобулети,Грузия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Agmashenebeli Street 842, 6200 Кобулети, Гру … Каталог отелей
Perses (brother of Aeetes) — In Greek mythology, Perses was the brother of Aeetes. He usurped the throne of Colchis from his brother, but was subsequently slain by Medea, his niece … Wikipedia
AEETA vel AEETES — AEETA, vel AEETES Colchorum Rex, Solis fil. ex Persa Oceani filia, liberos habuit Medeam, Absyrtum, et Chalciopem. Ad hunc Phryxus Athamantis fil. pervenit, et aureum vellus detulit; quod cum ille diligentissime servaret, eius causâ bellum gessit … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale