
aedileship, n.aedilitian /eed'l ish"euhn/, adj.
/ee"duyl/, n. Rom. Hist.
one of a board of magistrates in charge of public buildings, streets, markets, games, etc.
Also, edile.
[1570-80; < L aedilis, equiv. to aedi- (s. of aedes; see AEDICULE) + -ilis -ILE]

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Roman official
Latin  Aedilis,  plural  Aediles 

      (from Latin aedes,temple”), magistrate of ancient Rome who originally had charge of the temple and cult of Ceres. At first the aediles were two officials of the plebeians, created at the same time as the tribunes (494 BC), whose sanctity they shared. These magistrates were elected in the assembly of the plebeians. In 366 two curule (“higher”) aediles were created. These were at first patricians; but those of the next year were plebeians and so on year by year alternately until, in the 2nd century BC, the system of alternation between classes ceased. They were elected in the assembly of the tribes, with the consul presiding. The privileges of the curule aediles included a fringed toga, a curule chair, and the right to ancestral masksprivileges perhaps extended to the plebeian aediles after 100 BC. Aediles ranked between tribunes and praetors, a greater proportion of the curule ones attaining the consulship, but the office was not necessary for advancement in a senatorial career.

      The functions of the aediles were threefold: first, the care of the city (repair of temples, public buildings, streets, sewers, and aqueducts; supervision of traffic; supervision of public decency; and precaution against fires); second, the charge of the provision markets and of weights and measures and the distribution of grain, a function for which Julius Caesar added two plebeian aediles called ceriales; third, organization of certain public games, the Megalesian and the Roman games being under the curule aediles and the Plebeian games as well as those of Ceres and Flora being under the plebeian. They had judicial powers and could impose fines.

      Augustus transferred the care of the games and the judicial functions to the praetors and the care of the city to appointed boards and to the prefects of the watch and of the city. Under the imperial regime the office became a step in the senatorial career for plebeians until it disappeared after the reign of Alexander Severus in the 3rd century AD.

      In Roman municipalities aediles were regular magistrates and are recorded as officials in associations and clubs.

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  • aedile — noun Etymology: Latin aedilis, from aedes temple more at edify Date: 1540 an official in ancient Rome in charge of public works and games, police, and the grain supply …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • aedile — noun An elected official who was responsible for the maintenance of public buildings and the regulation of festivals; also supervised markets and the supply of grain and water …   Wiktionary

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  • aedile — [ i:dʌɪl] noun (in ancient Rome) either of two (later four) magistrates responsible for public buildings and other matters. Derivatives aedileship noun Origin C16: from L. aedilis concerned with buildings , from aedes building …   English new terms dictionary

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