
/ad"i teuhm/, n., pl. adyta /-teuh/.
1. (in ancient worship) a sacred place that the public was forbidden to enter; an inner shrine.
2. the most sacred or reserved part of any place of worship.
[1665-75; < L < Gk ádyton (place) not to be entered, equiv. to a- A-6 + -dyton, neut. of -dytos, verbid of dýein to enter]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Adytum — • A secret chamber or place of retirement in the ancient temples, and esteemed the most sacred spot; the innermost sanctuary or shrine Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Adytum     Adytum …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • adytum — ⇒ADYTUM, ADYTON, subst. masc. RELIG. ANC. Chambre secrète dans les temples, située généralement en face de la porte principale, en partie au dessous du sol du temple, et où les prêtres seuls étaient admis : • 1. ... les colonnes sont debout… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ADYTUM — templi apud Gentiles locus, quem adire non licet: τὸ ἀπ´χρυφον μέρος τȏυ ἱεροῦ. Item Βέτης seu Βαίτης Graecis. Caesar de Bello Civ. l. 3. c. 105. Pergami in occultis et remotis templi, quo praeter Sacerdotes adire fas non est, quae Graece ἄδυτα… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Adytum — Ad y*tum, n. {Adyta}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, n., fr. ?, a., not to be entered; a priv. + ? to enter.] The innermost sanctuary or shrine in ancient temples, whence oracles were given. Hence: A private chamber; a sanctum. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • adytum — [ad′i təm] n. pl. adyta [ad′itə] [L < Gr adyton, neut. of adytos, not to be entered < a , not + dyein, to enter] 1. the innermost room or shrine in certain old temples, to be entered only by priests 2. a sanctum …   English World dictionary

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  • adytum — (a di tom ) s. m. Terme d antiquité. Chambre particulière ou secrète dans un temple. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Adytum ; le terme grec est dérivé de deux mots signifiant privatif et je pénètre …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • adytum — noun (plural adyta) Etymology: Latin, from Greek adyton, neuter of adytos not to be entered, from a + dyein to enter Date: 1611 the innermost sanctuary in an ancient temple open only to priests ; sanctum …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • adytum — sacred part of a temple or church; church chancel Ecclesiastical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

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