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Aditya — n. 1. (Hinduism) one of 7 to 12 sons of Aditi; gods of celestial light. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aditya — Āditya Articles principaux : Védisme et Deva (divinité). Les आदित्य Ādityas sont, dans le védisme et l hindouisme, les fils de la déesse Āditî, l éternité. Sommaire 1 Étymologie 2 Védisme 2.1 Āditi … Wikipédia en Français
Âditya — Āditya Articles principaux : Védisme et Deva (divinité). Les आदित्य Ādityas sont, dans le védisme et l hindouisme, les fils de la déesse Āditî, l éternité. Sommaire 1 Étymologie 2 Védisme 2.1 Āditi … Wikipédia en Français
Aditya — (Aditja), in der altind. Mythologie die Söhne der Göttermutter Aditi; an der Spitze der A. steht Varuna … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Aditya — [Sanskrit], Name einer vedischen und hinduistischen Göttergruppe, manchmal sieben, später zwölf Söhne der Aditi (nach der traditionellen Auslegung »Ungebundenheit«); die wichtigsten sind Mitra und Varuna … Universal-Lexikon
Aditya I — Infobox Chola | name=Aditya Chola I tamil = முதலாம் ஆதித்த சோழன் caption = Chola Territories c. 905 C.E. reign= 871 C.E. 907 C.E. title = Rajakesari capital = Thanjavur queen= Tribhuvanamadeviyar Ilangon Pichchi children=Parantaka predecessor=… … Wikipedia
Aditya — In Hinduism, the IAST|Ādityas are a group of Devas or celestial gods, the sons of Āditi and Kashyapa. VedasIn the Rigveda, the Ādityas are the seven celestial gods, sons of Āditi, headed by Varuna, followed by Mitra: #Varuna #Mitra #Aryaman… … Wikipedia
Aditya — Adi|tya [...ti̯a] <aus sanskr. āditya »die Sonne«> Name einer von ↑Aditi abstammenden Göttergruppe … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Aditya — noun one of 7 to 12 sons of Aditi; Hindu gods of celestial light • Hypernyms: ↑Hindu deity * * * /ah dit yeuh/, n. Hinduism. one of the Vedic gods, the sons of Aditi. Cf. Asura. [ < Skt aditya (or adityah pl.), deriv. of aditi a goddess (orig … Useful english dictionary
Aditya Mittal — Vital StatsBorn: January 22, 1976Marital status: married, two daughtersSchool: International School, JakartaUniversity: Wharton Business School, PennsylvaniaFirst job: mergers and acquisitions banker, Credit Suisse First BostonSalary package:… … Wikipedia