
adduceable, adducible, adj.adducer, n.
/euh doohs", euh dyoohs"/, v.t., adduced, adducing.
to bring forward in argument or as evidence; cite as pertinent or conclusive: to adduce reasons in support of a constitutional amendment.
[1610-20; < L adducere to bring into, equiv. to ad- AD- + ducere to lead]

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  • adduce — I verb adducere, advance, allege, allude, assert, assign, aver, bring to the fore, claim, declare, disclose, divulge, evidence, evince, furnish, give, indicate, introduce, manifest, mention, offer, place in the foreground, plead, present, produce …   Law dictionary

  • Adduce — Ad*duce , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adduced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adducing}.] [L. adducere, adductum, to lead or bring to; ad + ducere to lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Adduct}.] To bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • adduce — (v.) early 15c., from L. adducere lead to, bring to, bring along, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + ducere to lead (see DUKE (Cf. duke) (n.)). Related: Adduced; adducing …   Etymology dictionary

  • adduce — adduce, advance, allege, cite may be used interchangeably in the meaning to bring forward by way of explanation, proof, illustration, or demonstration; however, they usually are clearly distinguishable in their implications and in their idiomatic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • adduce — [v] affirm cite, illustrate, point out, prove, show; concepts 49,50,88 …   New thesaurus

  • adduce — ► VERB ▪ cite as evidence. ORIGIN Latin adducere, from ad towards + ducere to lead …   English terms dictionary

  • adduce — [ə do͞os′, ədyo͞os′] vt. adduced, adducing [L adducere, to lead or bring to < ad , to + ducere: see DUCT] to give as a reason or proof; cite as an example adducer n. adducible adj. adduceable …   English World dictionary

  • adduce — UK [əˈdjuːs] / US [əˈdus] verb [transitive] Word forms adduce : present tense I/you/we/they adduce he/she/it adduces present participle adducing past tense adduced past participle adduced formal to give a particular fact as proof that something… …   English dictionary

  • adduce — See adduce, deduce …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • adduce — [[t]ædju͟ːs, AM du͟ːs[/t]] adduces, adducing, adduced VERB If you adduce something such as a fact or reason, you mention it in order to support an argument. [FORMAL] [V n] The evidence she adduces to back up her arguments is usually authoritative …   English dictionary

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