achievement quotient — noun 1. : the ratio usually multiplied by 100 of achievement age to chronological age 2. : accomplishment quotient * * * Psychol. achievement age divided by chronological age, usually expressed as a multiple of 100. The achievement quotient of a… … Useful english dictionary
achievement quotient — /əˈtʃivmənt kwoʊʃənt/ (say uh cheevmuhnt kwohshuhnt) noun (according to a system of specially designed tests) educational age divided by actual age. Thus a child of 10 years whose educational achievement equals that of the average 12 year old has …
achievement quotient — a percentage statement of the extent to which a child has progressed in learning in proportion to his or her ability. Abbreviated AQ … Medical dictionary
Quotient — The result of mathematical division. The I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) is arrived at by dividing the person s mental age (as determined on the Binet test) by the person s chronologic age and multiplying by 100. So if a child scores at the 8 year… … Medical dictionary
intelligence quotient — Psychol. an intelligence test score that is obtained by dividing mental age, which reflects the age graded level of performance as derived from population norms, by chronological age and multiplying by 100: a score of 100 thus indicates a… … Universalium
educational quotient — noun : achievement quotient 1 … Useful english dictionary
Intelligence quotient — IQ redirects here. For other uses, see IQ (disambiguation). Intelligence quotient Diagnostics An example of one kind of IQ test item, modeled after items in the Raven s Progressive Matrices test … Wikipedia
Differential Education Achievement — Differential Educational Achievement (DEA) is a sociological term often given to a concept that disagrees with some of the functionalist views on education. Many functionalists believe that an individual s academic success depends completely upon … Wikipedia
intelligence quotient — Synonyms and related words: Bernreuter personality inventory, Binet Simon test, Brown personality inventory, Goldstein Sheerer test, IQ, IQ test, Kent mental test, Minnesota preschool scale, Oseretsky test, Rorschach test, Stanford revision,… … Moby Thesaurus
accomplishment quotient — noun : the ratio usually multiplied by 100 of achievement age to mental age … Useful english dictionary