
/ays/, n., v., aced, acing, adj.
1. a playing card or die marked with or having the value indicated by a single spot: He dealt me four aces in the first hand.
2. a single spot or mark on a playing card or die.
3. (in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.)
a. Also called service ace. a placement made on a service.
b. any placement.
c. a serve that the opponent fails to touch.
d. the point thus scored.
4. a fighter pilot credited with destroying a prescribed number or more of enemy aircraft, usually five, in combat.
5. a very skilled person; expert; adept: an ace at tap dancing.
6. Slang. a one-dollar bill.
7. Slang. a close friend.
8. Golf.
a. Also called hole in one. a shot in which the ball is driven from the tee into the hole in one stroke: He hit a 225-yard ace on the first hole.
b. a score of one stroke made on such a shot: to card an ace.
9. Slang. a barbiturate or amphetamine capsule or pill.
10. a very small quantity, amount, or degree; a particle: not worth an ace.
11. Slang. a grade of A; the highest grade or score.
12. ace up one's sleeve, an important, effective, or decisive argument, resource, or advantage kept in reserve until needed.
13. be aces with, Slang. to be highly regarded by: The boss says you're aces with him.
14. easy aces, Auction Bridge. aces equally divided between opponents.
15. within an ace of, within a narrow margin of; close to: He came within an ace of winning.
16. (in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.) to win a point against (one's opponent) by an ace.
17. Golf. to make an ace on (a hole).
18. Slang. to cheat, defraud, or take advantage of (often fol. by out): to be aced out of one's inheritance; a friend who aced me out of a good job.
19. Slang.
a. to receive a grade of A, as on a test or in a course (sometimes fol. by out).
b. to complete easily and successfully: He aced every physical fitness test they gave him.
20. ace it, Slang. to accomplish something with complete success: a champion who could ace it every time.
21. excellent; first-rate; outstanding.
[1250-1300; 1915 for def. 4; ME as, aas < OF as < L: a unit; cf. AS2; sense 4 after F as in World War I; sense 5 < 4]

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