
/euh kown"ting/, n.
1. the theory and system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm; art of analyzing the financial position and operating results of a business house from a study of its sales, purchases, overhead, etc. (distinguished from bookkeeping).
2. a detailed report of the financial state or transactions of a person or entity: an accounting of the estate.
3. the rendering or submission of such a report.
[1350-1400; ME; see ACCOUNT, -ING1]

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Systematic development and analysis of information about the economic affairs of an organization.

The actual recording and summarizing of financial transactions is known as bookkeeping. When the data thus produced are abstracted in reports (usually quarterly or annually) for the use of persons outside the organization, the process is called financial accounting. Three reports are typically generated in financial accounting: the balance sheet, which summarizes the firm's assets and liabilities; the income statement, which reports the firm's gross proceeds, expenses, and profit or loss; and the statement of cash flow, which analyzes the flow of cash into and out of the firm. The creation of reports (usually monthly) for internal planning and decision-making is called managerial accounting. Its aim is to provide managers with reliable information on the costs of operations and on standards with which those costs can be compared, to assist them in budgeting.

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      systematic development and analysis of information about the economic affairs of an organization (business organization). This information may be used in a number of ways: by a firm's managers to help them plan and control ongoing operations; by owners and legislative or regulatory bodies to help them appraise the organization's performance and make decisions as to its future; by owners, lenders, suppliers, employees, and others to help them decide how much time or money to devote to the company; by governmental bodies to determine what taxes a business must pay; and occasionally by customers to determine the price to be paid when contracts call for cost-based payments.

      Accounting provides information for all these purposes through the maintenance of data, the analysis and interpretation of these data, and the preparation of various kinds of reports. Most accounting information is historicalthat is, the accountant observes all activities that the organization undertakes, records their effects, and prepares reports summarizing what has been recorded; the rest consists of forecasts and plans for current and future periods.

      Accounting information can be developed for any kind of organization, not just for privately owned, profit-seeking businesses. One branch of accounting deals with the economic operations of entire countries. The remainder of this article, however, will be devoted primarily to business (business finance) accounting.

The objectives and characteristics of financial reporting
      The overarching objective of financial reporting, which includes the production and dissemination of financial information about the company in the form of financial statements, is to provide useful information to investors, creditors (debtor and creditor), and other interested parties. Ideally, accounting information provides company shareholders and other stakeholders (industrial relations) (e.g., employees, communities, customers, and suppliers) with information that aids in the prediction of the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows. In addition, financial statements disclose details concerning economic resources and the claims to those resources.

      In recent years, there has been a growing demand on the part of stakeholders for information concerning the social impacts of corporate decision making. Increasingly, companies are including additional information about environmental impacts and risks (risk), employees, community involvement, philanthropic activities, and consumer safety. Much of the reporting of such information is voluntary, especially in the United States.

      In addition, quantitative data are now supplemented with precise verbal descriptions of business goals and activities. In the United States, for example, publicly traded companies are required to furnish a document commonly identified asmanagement's discussion and analysisas part of the annual report to shareholders. This document summarizes historical performance and includes forward-looking information.

      To accountants, the two most important characteristics of useful information are relevance and reliability. Information is relevant to the extent that it can potentially alter a decision. Relevant information helps improve predictions of future events, confirms the outcome of a previous prediction, and should be available before a decision is made. Reliable information is verifiable, representationally faithful, and neutral. The hallmark of neutrality is its demand that accounting information not be selected to benefit one class of users to the neglect of others. While accountants recognize a tradeoff between relevance and reliability, information that lacks either of these characteristics is considered insufficient for decision making.

      In addition to being relevant and reliable, accounting information should be comparable and consistent. Comparability refers to the ability to make relevant comparisons between two or more companies in the same industry at a point in time. Consistency refers to the ability to make relevant comparisons within the same company over a period of time.

      In general, financial reporting should satisfy the full disclosure principlemeaning that any information that can potentially influence an informed decision maker should be disclosed in a clear and understandable manner on the company's financial statement.

Company financial statements
      The primary output of the financial accounting system is the annual financial statement. The three most common components of a financial statement are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. In some jurisdictions, summary financial statements are available (or may be required) on a quarterly basis. These reports are usually sent to all investors (investment) and others outside the management group. Some companies post their financial statements on the Internet, and in the United States the financial reports for public corporations can be obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) through its website. The preparation of these reports falls within a branch of accounting known as financial accounting.

The balance sheet
      A balance sheet describes the resources that are under a company's control on a specified date and indicates where these resources have come from. As an overview of the company's financial position, the balance sheet consists of three major sections: (1) the assets, which are probable future economic benefits owned or controlled by the entity; (2) the liabilities, which are probable future sacrifices of economic benefits; and (3) the owners' equity, calculated as the residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting liabilities.

      The list of assets shows the forms in which the company's resources are lodged; the list of liabilities and the owners' equity indicate where these same resources have come from. The balance sheet, in other words, shows the company's resources from two points of viewasset and liabilityand the following relationship must be maintained: total assets are equal to total liabilities plus total owners' equity.

      This same identity is also expressed in another way: total assets minus total liabilities equals total owners' equity. In this form, the equation emphasizes that the owners' equity in the company is always equal to the net assets (assets minus liabilities). Any increase in one will inevitably be accompanied by an increase in the other, and the only way to increase the owners' equity is to increase the net assets. This is known as the fundamental accounting equation.

      Assets are ordinarily subdivided into current assets and noncurrent assets. The former include cash, amounts receivable from customers, inventories, and other assets that are expected to be consumed or can be readily converted into cash during the next operating cycle (production, sale, and collection). Noncurrent assets may include noncurrent receivables, fixed assets (such as land and buildings), intangible assets (such as intellectual property), and long-term investments.

      The liabilities are similarly divided into current liabilities and noncurrent liabilities. Most amounts payable to the company's suppliers (accounts payable), to employees (wages payable), or to governments (taxes payable) are included among the current liabilities. Noncurrent liabilities consist mainly of amounts payable to holders of the company's long-term bonds and such items as obligations to employees under company pension plans. The difference between total current assets and total current liabilities is known as net current assets, or working capital.

      In the United States, for example, the owners' equity is divided between paid-in capital and retained earnings. Paid-in capital represents the amounts paid to the corporation in exchange for shares of the company's preferred and common stock. The major part of this, the capital paid in by the common shareholders, is usually divided into two parts, one representing the par value, or stated value, of the shares, the other representing the excess over this amount. The amount of retained earnings is the difference between the amounts earned by the company in the past and the dividends that have been distributed to the owners.

      A slightly different breakdown of the owners' equity is used in most of continental Europe and in other parts of the world. The classification distinguishes between those amounts that cannot be distributed except as part of a formal liquidation of all or part of the company (capital and legal reserves) and those amounts that are not restricted in this way (free reserves and undistributed profits).

       Any Company, Inc.: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 20__, TableA simple balance sheet is shown in Table 1 (Any Company, Inc.: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 20__, Table). Because the two sides of this balance sheet represent two different aspects of the same entity, the totals must always be identical. Thus, a change in the amount for one item must always be accompanied by an equal change in some other item. For example, if the company pays $40 to one of its trade creditors, the cash balance will go down by $40, and the balance in accounts payable will go down by the same amount.

The income statement
      The company uses its assets to produce goods and services. Its success depends on whether it is wise or lucky in the assets it chooses to hold and in the ways it uses these assets to produce goods and services.

      The company's success is measured by the amount of profit it earnsthat is, the growth or decline in its stock of assets from all sources other than contributions or withdrawals of funds by owners and creditors. Net income is the accountant's term for the amount of profit that is reported for a particular time period.

       Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, TableThe company's income statement for a period of time shows how the net income for that period was derived. For example, the first line in Table 2 (Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table) shows the company's net sales revenues for the period: the assets obtained from customers in exchange for the goods and services that constitute the company's stock-in-trade. The second line summarizes the company's revenues from other sources.

       Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, TableThe income statement next shows the expenses of the period: the assets that were consumed while the revenues were being created. The expenses are usually broken down into several categories indicating what the assets were used for. In Table 2 (Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table), six expense items are distinguished, starting with the cost of the merchandise that was sold during the period and continuing down through the provision for income taxes.

      The bottom portion of the income statement reports the effects of events that are outside the usual flow of activities. In this case it shows the result of the company's sale of some of its long-term investments for more than their original purchase price. Because this was not part of the company's normal operations, the sale price, costs, and taxes on the sale were kept separate from the operating revenue and expense totals; the income statement shows only a single number, the net gain on the sale.

      Net income summarizes all the gains and losses recognized during the period, including both the results of the company's normal, day-to-day activities and any other events. If net income is negative, it is referred to as a net loss.

       Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table Any Company, Inc.: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 20__, TableThe income statement is usually accompanied by a statement that shows how the company's retained earnings have changed during the year. Net income increases retained earnings; net operating loss or the distribution of cash dividends (dividend) reduces them. Any Company, Inc., started the year with retained earnings of $213 and added $52 in net income during the year (Table 2 (Any Company, Inc.: Income statement for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table)). Dividends amounting to $35 were distributed to shareholders during the year, leaving a year-end balance of $230. This is the amount on the year-end balance sheet (Table 1 (Any Company, Inc.: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 20__, Table)).

The statement of cash flows
       Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, TableCompanies also prepare a third financial statement, the statement of cash flows. Cash flows result from three major aspects of the business: (1) operating activities, (2) investing activities, and (3) financing activities. These three categories are illustrated in Table 3 (Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table).

       Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, TableThe cash flow statement is distinct from an income statement, but the two statements are similar in that they summarize activities over a period of time. In the accompanying example, cash amounting to $19 was received from the sale of the investment; the income statement included only the $5 gainthe difference between the sale proceeds and $14, the amount at which the investment had been shown in the balance sheet before it was sold. Since net income, the top lines in Table 3 (Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table), included the $5 gain, the company could not include the full net income and the full cash proceeds from the sale of the investment, because that would have counted the $5 twice. Instead, Any Company, Inc., subtracted the $5 from net income (line 5 in the table) and reported the full $19 below, under cash from investing activities.

      The income statement differs from the cash flow statement in other ways, too. Cash was received from the issuance of bonds and was paid to shareowners as dividends; neither of those figured in the income statement. Cash was also paid to purchase equipment; this added to the plant and equipment assets but was not subtracted from current revenues because it would be used for many years, not just this one.

      Cash from operations is not the same as net income (revenues minus expenses). For one thing, not all revenues are collected in cash. Revenue is usually recorded when a customer receives merchandise and either pays for it or promises to pay the company in the future (in which case the revenue is recorded in accounts receivable). Cash from operating activities, on the other hand, reflects the actual cash collected, not the inflow of accounts receivable. Similarly, an expense may be recorded without an actual cash payment.

       Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, TableTable 3 (Any Company, Inc.: Statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20__, Table) adds items not requiring immediate cash payment to income (e.g., depreciation) and subtracts items that appear in the income statement but are not part of the results of operations (e.g., the gain on the sale of a long-term investment). The bottom line shows that the company's stock of cash and marketable securities increased by $35 during the year.

      The purpose of the statement of cash flows is to throw light on management's use of the financial resources available to it and to help the users of the statements to evaluate the company's liquidityits ability to pay its bills when they come due.

Consolidated statements
      Most large corporations (corporation) in the United States and in other industrialized countries own other companies. Their primary financial statements are consolidated statements, reflecting the total assets, liabilities, owners' equity, net income, and cash flows of all the corporations in the group. Thus, for example, the consolidated balance sheet of the parent corporation (the corporation that owns the others) does not list its investments in its subsidiaries (the companies it owns) as assets; instead, it includes their assets and liabilities with its own.

      Some subsidiary corporations are not wholly owned by the parent; that is, some shares of their common stock are owned by others. The equity of these minority shareholders in the subsidiary companies is shown separately on the balance sheet. For example, if Any Company, Inc., had minority shareholders in one or more subsidiaries, the owners' equity section of its December 31, 20__, balance sheet might appear as follows:

      The consolidated income statement also must show the minority owners' equity in the earnings of a subsidiary as a deduction in the determination of net income. For example:

Disclosure and auditing requirements
      A corporation's obligations to issue financial statements are prescribed in the company's own statutes or bylaws and in public laws and regulations. The financial statements of most large and medium-size companies in the United States fall primarily within the jurisdiction of the SEC. The SEC has a good deal of authority to prescribe the content and structure of the financial statements that are submitted to it. Similar authority is vested in provincial regulatory bodies and in the stock exchanges in Canada; disclosure in the United Kingdom is governed by the provisions of the Companies Act. In Japan financial accounting is guided by three laws: the Commercial Code of Japan, the Securities and Exchange law, and the Corporate Income Tax law.

      A company's financial statements are ordinarily prepared initially by its own accountants. Outsiders review, or audit (auditing), the statements and the systems the company used to accumulate the data from which the statements were prepared. In most countries, including the United States, these outside auditors are selected by the company's shareholders. The audit of a company's statements is ordinarily performed by professionally qualified, independent accountants who bear the title of certified public accountant (CPA) in the United States and chartered accountant (CA) in the United Kingdom and many other countries with British-based accounting traditions. Their primary task is to investigate the company's accounting data and methods carefully enough to permit them to give their opinion that the financial statements present fairly the company's position, results, and cash flows.

measurement standards
      In preparing financial statements, the accountant must select from a variety of measurement systems, often standardized by industry or government regulation, that guide the calculation of assets and liabilities. For example, assets may be measured by their historical cost or by their current replacement value, and inventory may be calculated on a basis of last-in, first-out (LIFO) or first-in, first-out (FIFO). To enhance comparability, companies in similar industries often find it to their advantage to adhere to the same measurement concepts or principles.

      In some countries these concepts or principles are prescribed by government bodies, and other guidance is obtained from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), an independent standard-setting organization based in the United Kingdom. In the United States the principles are embodied in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which represent partly the consensus of experts and partly the work of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a private body. Within the United States, however, the principles or standards issued by the FASB or any other accounting board can be overridden by the SEC.

Asset value
      Asset value is an important component of a company's total value, and it can be computed in a number of ways. One approach determines asset value by calculating what those assets are worth to their owners. According to this measurement principle, the economic value of an asset is the maximum price that the company would be willing to pay for it. This amount depends on what the company expects to be able to do with the asset. For business assets, these expectations are usually expressed in terms of forecasts of the inflows of cash the company will receive in the future. If, for example, the company believes that by spending $1 on advertising and other forms of sales promotion that it can sell a certain product for $5, then this product is worth $4 to the company.

      When cash inflows are expected to be delayed, value is less than the anticipated cash flow. For example, if the company has to pay interest at the rate of 10 percent per year, an investment of $100 in a one-year asset today will not be worthwhile unless it will return at least $110 a year from now ($100 plus 10 percent interest for one year). In this example, $100 is the present value of the right to receive $110 one year later. Present value is the maximum amount the company would be willing to pay for a future inflow of cash after deducting interest on the investment at a specified rate for the time the company has to wait before it receives its cash.

      Value, in other words, depends on three factors: (1) the amount of the anticipated future cash flows, (2) the projected timing of cash flows, and (3) risk as reflected in the interest rate. The lower the expectation, the more distant the timing, and the higher the interest rate, the less valuable the asset will be.

      Value may also be represented by the amount the company could obtain by selling its assets; this is known as fair market value. This sale price is seldom a good measure of the assets' value to the company, however, because few companies are likely to keep many assets that are worth no more to the company than their market value. Continued ownership of an asset implies that its present value to the owner exceeds its market value, which is its apparent value to outsiders.

Asset cost
      Accountants are traditionally reluctant to accept value as the basis of asset measurement in the going concern. Although monetary assets such as cash or accounts receivable are usually measured by their value, most other assets are measured at cost. The reason is that the accountant finds it difficult to verify the forecasts upon which a generalized value measurement system would have to be based. As a result, the balance sheet does not show how much the company's assets are worth; it shows how much the company has invested in them.

      The historical cost of an asset is the sum of all the expenditures the company made to acquire it. This amount is not always easily measurable. If, for example, a company has built a special-purpose machine in one of its own factories for use in manufacturing other products, and the project required logistical support from all parts of the factory organization, from purchasing to quality control, then a good deal of judgment must be reflected in any estimate of how much of the costs of these logistical activitiesall occurring within the companyshould becapitalized” (i.e., placed on the balance sheet) as part of the cost of the machine.

Net income (profit)
      From an economic point of view, income is defined as the change in the company's wealth during a period of time, from all sources other than the injection or withdrawal of investment funds. This general definition of income represents the amount the company could consume during the period and still have as much real wealth at the end of the period as it had at the beginning. For example, if the value of the net assets (assets minus liabilities) has gone from $1,000 to $1,200 during a period and dividends of $100 have been distributed, income measured on a value basis would be $300 ($1,200 minus $1,000, plus $100).

      Accountants generally have rejected this approach for the same reason that they have found value an unacceptable basis for asset measurement: such a measure would rely too much on estimates of what will happen in the future, estimates that would not be readily attainable through independent verification. Instead, accountants have adopted what might be called atransactions approachto income measurement. Ideally they recognize as income only those increases in wealth that can be substantiated from data pertaining to actual transactions that have taken place with persons outside the company. In such systems, income is measured when work is performed for an outside customer, when goods are delivered, or when the customer is billed.

      Recognition of income at this time requires two sets of estimates: (1) revenue estimates, representing the value of the cash that the company expects to receive from the customer; and (2) expense estimates, representing the resources that have been consumed in the creation of the revenues. Revenue estimation is the easier of the two, but it still requires judgment. The main problem is to estimate the percentage of gross sales for which payment will never be received, either because some customers will not pay their bills (“bad debts”) or because they will demand and receive credit for returned merchandise or defective work.

      Expense estimates are generally based on the historical cost of the resources consumed. Net income, in other words, is the difference between the value received from the use of resources and the cost of the resources that were consumed in the process. As with asset measurement, the main problem is to estimate what portion of the cost of an asset has been consumed during the period in question.

      Some assets give up their services gradually rather than all at once. The cost of the portion of these assets the company uses to produce revenues in any period is that period's depreciation expense, and the amount shown for these assets on the balance sheet is their historical cost less an allowance for depreciation, representing the cost of the portion of the asset's anticipated lifetime services that has already been used. To estimate depreciation, the accountant must predict both how long the asset will continue to provide useful services and how much of its potential to provide these services will be used up in each period.

      Depreciation is usually computed by some simple formula. Two popular formulas are straight-line depreciation, in which the same amount of depreciation is recognized each year, and declining-charge depreciation, in which more depreciation is recognized during the early years of life than during the later years, on the assumption that the value of the asset's service declines as it gets older. It is the responsibility of an independent accountant (the auditor) to determine whether the company's depreciation estimates are based on reasonable formulas that can be applied consistently from year to year.

Cost of goods sold
      Depreciation is not the only expense for which more than one measurement principle is available. Another is the cost of goods sold. The cost of goods available for sale in any period is the sum of the cost of the beginning inventory and the cost of goods purchased in that period. This sum then must be divided between the cost of goods sold and the cost of the ending inventory:

      Accountants can make this division by any of three main inventory costing methods: (1) first-in, first-out (FIFO), (2) last-in, first-out (LIFO), or (3) average cost. The LIFO method is widely used in the United States, where it is also an acceptable costing method for income tax purposes; companies in most other countries measure inventory cost and the cost of goods sold by some variant of the FIFO or average-cost methods. Average cost is very similar in its results to FIFO, so only FIFO and LIFO need to be described.

      Each purchase of goods constitutes a single batch, acquired at a specific price. Under FIFO, the cost of goods sold is determined by adding the costs of various batches of the goods available, starting with the oldest batch in the beginning inventory, continuing with the next oldest batch, and so on until the total number of units equals the number of units sold. The ending inventory, therefore, is assigned the costs of the most recently acquired batches. For example, suppose the beginning inventory and purchases were as follows:

      The company sold 1,900 units during the year and had 1,100 units remaining in inventory at the end of the year. The FIFO cost of goods sold is:

      The ending inventory consists of 1,100 units at a FIFO cost of $5.50 each (the price of the last 1,100 units purchased), or $6,050.

      Under LIFO, the cost of goods sold is the sum of the most recent purchase, the next most recent, and so on, until the total number of units equals the number sold during the period. In the example, the LIFO cost of goods sold is:

      The LIFO cost of the ending inventory is the cost of the oldest units in the cost of goods available. In this simple example, assuming the company adopted LIFO at the beginning of the year, the ending inventory cost is the 1,000 units in the beginning inventory at $5 each ($5,000), plus 100 units from the first purchase during the year at $5.25 each ($525), a total of $5,525.

Problems of measurement and the limitations of financial reporting
      Accounting income does not include all of the company's holding gains or losses (increases or decreases in the market values of its assets). For example, the construction of an expressway nearby may increase the value of a company's land, but neither the income statement nor the balance sheet will reflect this holding gain. Similarly, the introduction of a successful new product increases the company's anticipated future cash flows. While this increase makes the company more valuable, those additional future sales will not show up in the conventional income statement or in the balance sheet until they are recorded as transactions.

      Accounting reports have also been criticized on the grounds that they confuse monetary measures with the underlying realities when the prices (price) of many goods and services have been changing rapidly. For example, if the wholesale price of an item rises from $100 to $150 between the time the company bought it and the time it is sold, many accountants claim that $150 is the better measure of the amount of resources consumed by the sale. They also contend that the $50 increase in the item's wholesale value before it is sold is a special kind of holding gain that should not be classified as ordinary income.

      When inventory purchase prices are rising, LIFO inventory costing prevents the recognition of any gains made from the holding of inventories. If purchases equal the quantity sold, then according to LIFO accounting the entire cost of goods sold will be measured at the higher current prices, while the ending inventory will be measured at the lower prices shown for the beginning-of-year inventory. The difference between the LIFO inventory cost and the replacement cost at the end of the year is an unrealized (and unreported) holding gain.

      In the inventory example cited earlier, the LIFO cost of goods sold ($10,275) exceeded the FIFO cost of goods sold ($9,750) by $525. In other words, LIFO kept $525 more of the inventory holding gain out of the income statement than FIFO did. Furthermore, the replacement cost of the inventory at the end of the year was $6,050 (1,100 × $5.50), which was equal to the inventory's FIFO cost; under LIFO, in contrast, there was an unrealized holding gain of $525 ($6,050 minus the $5,525 LIFO inventory cost).

      The amount of inventory holding gain that is included in net income is usually called theinventory profit.” The implication is that this is a component of net income that is lessrealthan other components because it results from the holding of inventories rather than from trading with customers.

      When most of the changes in the prices of the company's resources are in the same direction, the purchasing power of money is said to change. Conventional accounting statements are stated in nominal currency unitsnot in units of constant purchasing power. Changes in purchasing powerthat is, changes in the average level of prices of goods and serviceshave two effects. First, net monetary assets (essentially cash and receivables minus liabilities calling for fixed monetary payments) lose purchasing power as the general price level rises. These losses do not appear in conventional accounting statements. Second, holding gains measured in nominal currency units may merely result from changes in the general price level. If so, they represent no increase in the company's purchasing power.

      In some countries that have experienced severe and prolonged inflation, companies have been allowed or even required to restate their assets to reflect the more recent and higher levels of purchase prices. The increment in the asset balances in such cases has not been reported as income, but depreciation thereafter has been based on these higher amounts. Companies in the United States are not allowed to make these adjustments in their primary financial statements.

      As international economies evolve at an accelerating rate, financial accounting faces some daunting challenges. One of the most important questions facing accountants is the problem of assigning value to so-calledsoftassets such as brand image, corporate reputation, goodwill, and human capital. These can be among the most valuable assets controlled by the entity, yet they might be undervalued or ignored altogether under current practices.

      In addition, accountants need to develop reliable ways to express forward-looking information; although this kind of information is more speculative than the information represented in financial statements, it is often the most relevant to decision makers. It is difficult to obtain, however, in part because of the uncertain nature of the information and in part because too much information could benefit competitors and harm the company. Furthermore, it is difficult to measure social performance, but this type of information is useful in evaluating organizational effectiveness as it is broadly conceived. While many companies are experimenting with alternative methods to measure and disclose employee and customer satisfaction data, environmental performance, and safety reports, increased standardization will enhance comparability and consistency.

      Finally, a global economy demands dramatically enhanced international accounting standards. In order to improve the efficient allocation of capital resources across international boundaries, investors and creditors need to make reasonable comparisons among companies in different countries.

The move toward international accounting standards
      A generally accepted international accounting standard, or a common business language across national borders, serves the global economy in two distinct ways. First, it reduces the costs of doing business and conducting audits by eliminating the need to reconcile alternative accounting treatments from one country to another. Second, it improves the credibility of international financial markets and ultimately their efficiency.

      The demand for increased comparability among different accounting systems has been spurred on for several reasons. In order to ensure the growth of multinational businesses and foreign investments, financial statement users need to be able to make relevant comparisons between businesses operating in different countries. Similarly, the growing economic aspirations of less-developed countries, the growth of broadly based international capital markets, the fall of the Soviet Union, the advent of the European Monetary Union, and the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement have all led to the almost inevitable conclusion of the need for more standardized financial reporting.

      From a technical standpoint, there still exist many differences among countries in the accounting treatment of similar business transactions. In the United Kingdom, for example, real estate is valued at current market value. In the United States, this practice is judged unreliable and accountants continue to list real estate at historical cost. In Japan, pension accounting is based primarily on cash while in the United States much effort is devoted to calculating the future liability associated with pensions. Some countries allow companies quite a bit of choice in selecting appropriate accounting rules; in other jurisdictions accounting rules are extremely specific. Other country-to-country differences include the valuation of marketable securities and inventory; the use of price-level adjustments, foreign currency translations, consolidations, and accounting rules concerning deferred taxes, leases, depreciation, and research and development costs; and goodwill.

      Among the most important general issues concerning the harmonization of accounting rules across national borders are disclosure and enforcement. Simply put, some countries require better and more disclosure of business activities and effects than others. Similarly, the degree of enforcement varies widely from country to country as well.There are good historical reasons for some of these differences in financial reporting. Financial reporting is a reflection of the culture, language, economic system, and legal system of its country of origin. For example, Germany and Japan have historically demanded much less financial disclosure than the United Kingdom and the United States because the first two countries relied on a limited number of banks for their capital needs. As the economic systems of continental Europe and Japan have evolved and many businesses now obtain capital from many more sources, so too has the financial reporting system improved. In both Europe and Japan governments have recognized the need for transparent organizations and have adopted more stringent accounting disclosure requirements.

      Because accounting standards originated within countries as they sought to standardize commerce within their borders, international accounting does not exist per se but is instead a collection of those individual national methods. Each country follows its own set of generally accepted accounting standards. Nevertheless, there has been much effort to establish supranational groups to help in harmonizing accounting standards. These groups have included the International Federation of Accountants, a group in New York City consisting of 114 professional accounting bodies; the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), which was founded in London in 1973 and succeeded by the IASB in 2001; and arms of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation for) and of the European Economic Community (European Community).

      Efforts by the IASC and IASB have been particularly noteworthy. In 1999, the IASC completed a list of core standards, which have been accepted by an increasing number of companies around the world. Early in this process, the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges required IASC compliance on the part of all foreign-listed companies. In addition, the finance ministers of the original Group of Seven nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) endorsed these standards and encouraged those involved in standard-setting to finalize a set of internationally agreed-upon accounting and financial reporting rules. As a result, the FASB in the United States eliminated the controversialpooling of interestmethod of accounting for business combinations, which had made it difficult for investors to evaluate transactions, including the acquisition of other businesses. This change brought the GAAP closer in line with the IASC standards. In addition, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants sent a letter to the IASC (the IASB's predecessor) endorsing its efforts at establishing a set of enforceable international accounting standards.

      Despite these gains, there are still numerous obstacles to creating a truly global accounting system. Even with the growing international acceptance of IASB standards at the turn of the 21st century, the United States continued to require all foreign companies to reconcile their accounting to GAAPnot IASBrecommendations. Most important, adherence to the IASB standards has remained voluntary, making them unenforceable.

      Some of the limitations associated with the IASB rules include a lack of comprehensiveness, insufficient development of interpretive guidelines, and a lack of any infrastructure for ensuring the enforcement of the new standards. In addition, many jurisdictions might be unwilling to sacrifice their authority in establishing accounting rules in favor of an international standard-setting body.

Managerial accounting
      Although published financial statements are the most widely visible products (production management) of business accounting systems and the ones with which the public is most concerned, they represent only a small portion of all the accounting activities that support an organization. Most accounting data and most accounting reports are generated solely or mainly for the company's managers. Reports to management may be either summaries of past events, forecasts of the future, or a combination of the two. Preparation of these data and reports is the focus of managerial accounting, which consists mainly of four broad functions: (1) budgetary planning, (2) cost finding, (3) cost and profit analysis, and (4) performance reporting.

Budgetary planning
      The first major component of internal accounting systems for management's use is the company (corporation)'s system for establishing budgetary plans and setting performance standards. The setting of performance standards (see below Performance reporting (accounting)) also requires a system for measuring actual results and reporting differences between actual performance and the plans.

 The simplified diagram in Figure 1—> illustrates the relationships between these elements. The planning process leads to the establishment of explicit plans, which then are translated into action. The results of these actions are compared with the plans and reported in comparative form (performance reports). Management can then respond to substantial deviations from plan, either by taking corrective action or, if outside conditions differ from those predicted or assumed in the plans, by preparing revised plans.

      Although plans can range from broad, strategic outlines of the company's future to detailed schedules for specific projects, most business plans are periodic plansthat is, they outline company operations for a specified period of time. These periodic plans are summarized in a series of projected financial statements, or budgets.

      The two principal budget statements are the profit plan and the cash forecast. The profit plan is an estimated income statement for the budget period. It summarizes the planned level of selling effort, shown as selling expense, and the results of that effort, shown as sales revenue and the accompanying cost of goods sold. Separate profit plans are ordinarily prepared for each major segment of a company's operations.

 The details underlying the profit plan are contained in departmental sales and cost budgets, each part identified with the executive or group responsible for carrying it out. Figure 2—> shows the essence of this relationship: the company's profit plan is really the integrated product of the plans of its two major product divisions. The arrows connecting the two divisional plans represent the coordinative communications that tie them together on matters of mutual concern.

      The diagram also moves one level down, showing that division B's profit plan is really a coordinated synthesis of the plans of the division's marketing department and manufacturing department. Arrows again emphasize the necessary coordination between the two. Each of these departmental plans, in turn, is a summary of the plans of the major offices, plants, or other units within the division. A complete representation of the company's profit plan could be created by extending the diagram through several organizational layers to account for every responsibility centre in the company.

      Many companies also prepare alternative budgets if the projected operating volume deviates from the volume anticipated for the period. A set of such alternative budgets is known as the flexible budget. The practice of flexible budgeting has been adopted widely by factory management to facilitate the evaluation of cost performance at different volume levels and has also been extended to other elements of the profit plan.

      The second major component of the annual budget, the cash forecast or cash budget, summarizes the anticipated effects on cash of all the company's activities. It lists the anticipated cash payments, cash receipts, and amount of cash on hand, month by month throughout the year. In most companies, responsibility for cash management rests mainly in the head office rather than at the divisional level. For this reason, divisional cash forecasts tend to be less important than divisional profit plans.

      Companywide cash forecasts, on the other hand, are just as important as company profit plans. Preliminary cash forecasts are used in deciding how much money will be made available for the payment of dividends, for the purchase or construction of buildings and equipment, and for other programs that do not pay for themselves immediately. The amount of short-term borrowing or short-term investment of temporarily idle funds is then generally geared to the requirements summarized in the final, adjusted forecast.

      Other elements of the budgetary plan, in addition to the profit plan and the cash forecast, include capital expenditure budgets, personnel budgets, production budgets, and budgeted balance sheets. They all serve the same purpose: to help management decide upon a course of action and to serve as a point of reference against which to measure subsequent performance. Planning is the responsibility of managersnot accountants; to plan is to decide, and only the manager has the authority to choose the direction the company is to take.

      Accounting personnel are nevertheless deeply involved in the planning process. First, they administer the budgetary planning system, establishing deadlines for the completion of each part of the process and seeing that these deadlines are met. Second, they analyze data and help management compare the possible outcomes of different courses of action. Third, they collect the plans and proposals from the individual departments and divisions, reviewing them for consistency, feasibility, and desirability. Lastly, they assemble the final plans management has chosen and ensure that these plans are understood by the department heads and managers.

Cost finding
      A major factor in business planning is the cost of producing the company's products. Cost finding is the process by which the company obtains estimates of the costs of producing a product, providing a service, performing a function, or operating a department. Some of these estimates are historical (how much did it cost?), while others are predictive (what will it cost?).

      The basic principle in cost finding is that the cost assigned to any objectan activity or a productshould represent all the costs that the object causes. The most fully developed methods of cost finding are used to estimate the costs that have been incurred in a factory (factory system) to manufacture specific products. The simplest of these methods is known as process costing. In this method, the accountant first accumulates the costs of each production operation or process for a specified time frame. This sum is then restated as an average by dividing the total costs of production by the total output in the period. Process costing can be used whenever the output of individual processes is reasonably uniform or homogeneous, as in cement manufacturing, flour milling, and other relatively continuous production processes.

      A second method, job-order costing, is used when individual production centres or departments work on a variety of products rather than just one during a typical time period. Two categories of factory cost are recognized under this method: prime costs and factory overhead costs. Prime costs are those that can be traced directly to a specific batch, or job lot, of products. These are the direct labour and direct materials costs of production. Overhead costs, on the other hand, are those that can be traced only to departmental operations or to the factory as a whole and not to individual job orders. The salary of a departmental supervisor is an example of an overhead cost.

      Direct materials and labour costs are recorded on the job order cost sheets for each job. Although not traceable to individual jobs, overhead costs are generally assigned to them by means of overhead ratesi.e., the ratio of total overhead cost to total production volume for a given time period. A separate overhead rate is usually calculated for each production department, and, if the operations of a department are varied, it is often subdivided into a set of more homogeneous cost centres, each with its own overhead rate. Separate overhead rates are sometimes used even for individual processing machines within a department if the operating costs of machines differ widely in such factors as power consumption, maintenance cost, and depreciation.

      Because output within a cost centre is not homogeneous, production volume must be measured by something other than the number of units of product; common measures include the number of machine hours and direct labour hours. Once the overhead rate has been determined, a provision for overhead cost can be entered on each job order cost sheet on the basis of the number of direct labour hours or machine hours used on that job. For example, if the overhead rate is $3 per machine hour and Job No. 7128 used 600 machine hours, then the overhead cost for this machine would be $1,800.

      Many production costs are incurred by departments that do not actually produce goods or provide salable services. Instead, they provide services or support such as equipment maintenance, quality control, cleaning, or the production of power to run the machinery. Estimates of these costs are included in the estimated overhead costs of the production departments by a process known as allocation (allocation of resources)—that is, estimated service department costs are allocated among the production departments in proportion to the amount of service or support each receives. The departmental overhead rates then include provisions for these allocated costs.

      A third method of cost finding, activity-based costing, is based on the fact that many costs are driven by factors other than product volume. The first task is to identify the activities that drive costs. The next step is to estimate the costs that are driven by each activity and to state them as averages per unit of activity. Management can use these averages to guide its efforts to reduce costs. In addition, if management wants an estimate of the cost of a specific product, the accountant can estimate how many of the activity units are associated with that product and multiply those numbers by the average costs per activity unit.

      For example, suppose that costs driven by the number of machine hours average $12 per machine hour, costs driven by the number of production batches average $100 a batch, and the costs of keeping a product in the line average $100 a year for each kind of material or component part used. Keeping in the line a product that is assembled from six component parts thus incurs costs of 6 × $100 = $600 a year, irrespective of volume and even if the product is not made at all during the period. If the plant manufactures 10,000 of these units in a year, the unit cost of product maintenance is $600/10,000 = $.06 a unit. If this product is manufactured in batches of 1,000 units, then batch-driven costs average $100/1,000 = $.10 a unit. And, if a batch requires 15 machine hours, hour-driven costs average 15 × $12/1,000 = $.18 a unit. At the 10,000-unit volume, then, the cost of this product is $.06 + $.10 + $.18 = $.34 a unit plus the cost of materials.

      Product cost finding under activity-based costing is almost always a process of estimating costs before production takes place. The method of process costing and job-order costing can be used either in preparing estimates before the fact or in assigning costs to products as production proceeds. Even when job-order costing is used to tally the costs actually incurred on individual jobs, the overhead rates are usually predeterminedthat is, they represent the average planned overhead cost at some production volume. The main reason for this is that actual overhead cost averages depend on the total volume and efficiency of operations and not on any one job alone. The relevance of job-order cost information will be impaired if these external fluctuations are allowed to change the amount of overhead cost assigned to a particular job.

      Many systems go even farther than this. Estimates of the average costs of each type of material, each operation, and each product are prepared routinely and identified as standard costs. These are then readily available whenever estimates are needed and can also serve as an important element in the company's performance-reporting system, as described below.

      Similar methods of cost finding can be used to determine or estimate the cost of providing services rather than physical goods. Most advertising agencies and consulting firms, for example, maintain some form of job cost records, either as a basis for billing their clients or as a means of estimating the profitability of individual jobs or accounts.

      The methods of cost finding described in the preceding paragraphs are known as full, or absorption, costing methods, in that the overhead rates are intended to include provisions for all manufacturing costs. Both process and job-order costing methods can also be adapted to variable costing in which only variable manufacturing costs are included in product cost. Variable costs rise or fall in proportion to the quantity of output. Total fixed costs, in contrast, are the same at all volume levels within the normal range.

      Unit cost under variable costing represents the average variable cost of making the product. Compared to the average full cost, the average variable cost is more useful when making short-term managerial decisions. In deciding whether to manufacture goods in large lots, for example, management needs to estimate the cost of carrying larger amounts of finished goods in inventory. More variable costs will have to be incurred to build the inventory to a higher level; fixed manufacturing costs presumably will be unaffected.

      Furthermore, when a management decision changes the company's fixed costs, the change is unlikely to be proportional to the change in volume; therefore, average fixed cost is seldom a valid basis for estimating the cost effects of such decisions. Variable costing eliminates the temptation to use average fixed cost in estimating changes in the total fixed cost. When variable costing is used, supplemental rates for fixed overhead production costs must be provided to measure the costs to be assigned to end-of-year inventories. This practice is followed because generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States and in most other countries require that inventories be measured at full product cost for external financial reporting.

Cost and profit analysis
      Accountants share with many others in an organizationsuch as financial officers or strategic plannersthe task of analyzing cost and profit data in order to provide guidance in managerial decision making. Even if the analytical work is done largely by others, accountants must understand the analytical methods because the systems they design must collect data in forms suitable for analysis.

      Managerial decisions are based on comparisons of the estimated future results of the alternative courses of action. Recorded historical accounting data, in contrast, reflect conditions and actions of the past. Furthermore, the data are absolute, not comparative, in that they show the effects of one course of action but do not indicate whether these were better or worse than those that would have resulted from some other course.

      For decision making, therefore, historical accounting data must be examined, modified, and placed on a comparative basis. Even estimated data, such as budgets and standard costs, must be examined to see whether the estimates are still valid and relevant to managerial comparisons. To a large extent, this job of review and restatement is an accounting responsibility. Accordingly, a major part of the accountant's preparation for the profession is devoted to the study of methods and principles of analysis that are used in managerial decision making.

Performance reporting
      Once the budgetary plan has been adopted, the accounting department's next task is to prepare and provide to management information on the results of company activities. A manager's main interest in this information centres on three questions: Have his or her own actions led to the expected resultsand, if not, why not? How successfully have subordinates managed the activities entrusted to them? What problems and opportunities have arisen since the budgetary plan was prepared? For these purposes, the information must be comparative, relating actual results to the level of results that management regards as satisfactory. In each case, the standard for comparison is provided by the budgetary plan.

       Any Company, Inc.: Comparative income statement for the month of October 20__, TableMuch of this information is contained in periodic financial reports. At the top management and divisional levels, the most important of these is the comparative income statement, one of which is illustrated in Table 4 (Any Company, Inc.: Comparative income statement for the month of October 20__, Table). This shows the profit that was planned for this period, the actual results received for this period, and the differences, or variances, between the two. It also gives an explanation of some of the reasons for the difference between a planned and an actual income.

      The report in this exhibit employs the widely used profit contribution format, in which divisional results reflect sales and expenses traceable to the individual divisions, with no deduction for head office expenses. Company net income is then obtained by deducting head office expenses as a lump sum from the total of the divisional profit contributions. A similar format can be used within the division, reporting the profit contribution of each of the division's product lines, with the divisional headquarters' expenses deducted at the bottom.

      By far the greatest number of reports, however, are cost or sales reports, mostly on a departmental basis. Departmental sales reports usually compare actual sales with the volumes planned for the period. Departmental cost performance reports, in contrast, typically compare actual costs incurred with standards or budgets that have been adjusted to correspond to the actual volume of work done during the period. This practice reflects a recognition that volume fluctuations generally originate outside the department and that the department head's responsibility is ordinarily limited to minimizing costs while meeting the delivery schedules imposed by higher management.

      For example, a factory department's output consists entirely of a single product, with a standard materials cost of $3 a unit and a standard labour cost of $16. Materials cost represents three pounds of raw materials at $1 a pound; standard labour cost is two hours of labour at $8 an hour. Overhead costs in the department are budgeted at $10,000 a month plus $2 a unit. Under normal conditions, volume is 7,000 units a month, but during October only 6,000 units were produced. The cost standards for the month would be as follows:

      The actual cost this month was $17,850 for materials (17,000 pounds at $1.05), $101,250 for labour (12,500 hours at $8.10 an hour), and $23,000 for overhead. A summary report would show the following:

      These variances may be analyzed even further in order to identify the underlying causes. The labour variance, for example, can be seen to be the result of both high wage rates ($8.10 instead of $8) and high labour usage (12,500 hours instead of 12,000). The factory accountant ordinarily would measure the effect of the rate change in the following way:

      In most cases, the labour rate variance would not be reported to the department head, because it is not subject to his or her control.

      Significant changes in management and production technology have shifted the focus of cost control from the individual production department to larger, more interdependent groups. Standard cost systems have largely been replaced by just-in-time production systems; although just-in-time systems require changes in factory layouts, they significantly reduce the time it takes to move work from one station to the next, and they also reduce the number of partly processed units at each work station, thereby requiring greater station-to-station coordination. All these measures increase the efficiency of production.

      At the same time, management's emphasis has shifted from cost control to cost reduction, quality enhancement, and closer coordination of production and customer deliveries. Most large manufacturing companies and many service companies have launched programs of total quality control and continuous improvement, and many have replaced standard costs with a more flexible approach using prior period results as current performance standards. Management is also likely to focus on the amount of system waste by identifying and minimizing activities that contribute nothing to the value that customers place on the product.

      Real-time (computer science) technology, based on the coordinated data used to monitor results and indicate the need for adjustments, helps improve a company's productivity. Advances in computer-based models have enabled companies to tie production schedules more closely to customer delivery schedules while increasing the rate of plant utilization. Some of these changes actually increase variances from standard costs in some departments but are undertaken because they benefit the company as a whole.

      The overall result is that control systems are likely to focus in the first instance on operational controls (real-time signals to operating personnel that some immediate remedial action is required), with after-the-fact analysis of results focusing on aggregate comparisons with past performance and the planned results of current improvement programs.

Other purposes of accounting systems
      Accounting systems are designed mainly to provide information that managers and outsiders can use in decision making. They also serve other purposes: to produce operating documents, to protect the company's assets, to provide data for company tax returns, and, in some cases, to provide the basis for reimbursement of costs by clients or customers.

      The accounting organization is responsible for preparing documents that contain instructions for a variety of tasks, such as payment of customer bills or preparing employee payrolls. It prepares confidential documents, such as records of employees' salaries and wages. Many of these documents also serve other accounting purposes, but they would have to be prepared even if no information reports were necessary. Measured by the number of people involved and the amount of time required, document preparation is one of the biggest jobs performed by an organization's accounting department.

      Accounting systems must provide means of reducing the chance of losses of assets due to carelessness or dishonesty on the part of employees, suppliers, and customers. Asset protection devices are often very simple; for example, many restaurants use numbered meal checks so that waiters will not be able to submit one check to the customer and another, with a lower total, to the cashier. Other devices entail a partial duplication of effort or a division of tasks between two individuals to reduce the opportunity for unobserved thefts.

      These are all part of the company's system of internal controls. Another important element in this system is internal auditing. The task of internal auditors is to see whether prescribed data handling and asset protection procedures are being followed. To accomplish this, they usually observe some of the work as it is being performed and examine a sample of past transactions for accuracy and fidelity to the system. Internal auditors might also insert a set of fictitious data into the system to see whether the resulting output meets a predetermined standard. This technique is particularly useful in testing the validity of new computer systems.

      The accounting system must also provide data for use in the completion of the company's tax (taxation) returns. This function is the concern of tax accounting. In some countries financial accounting must conform to tax accounting rules laid down by national tax laws and regulations, and tabulations prepared for tax purposes often diverge from those submitted to shareholders and others. “Taxable income,” it should be remembered, is a legal concept rather than an accounting concept, and tax laws (tax law) typically contain incentives that encourage companies to do certain things while discouraging them from doing others. Accordingly, what isincomeorcapitalto a tax agency may be far different from the accountant's measures of these same concepts. Finally, accounting systems in some companies must provide cost data in the forms required for submission to customers who have agreed to reimburse the company for costs incurred on the customers' behalf.

Gordon Shillinglaw Moses L. Pava

Additional Reading
The history and development of accounting can be found in R. Gene Brown and Kenneth S. Johnston, Paciolo on Accounting, trans. from Latin (1963, reprinted 1984), an annotated translation of the treatise, published in 1494, that is widely accepted as the foundation of modern accounting and bookkeeping systems; A.C. Littleton, Accounting Evolution to 1900, 2nd ed. (1966, reprinted 1988), a scholarly analysis of the development of accounting from the Renaissance to modern times; John B. Canning, Economics of Accountancy (1929, reprinted 1978), an early landmark in the development of 20th-century accounting thought and one of the first systematic attempts to build a structure of accounting on the basis of economic theory; Eugen Schmalenbach, Dynamic Accounting, trans. by G.W. Murphy and Kenneth S. Most (1959, reprinted 1980), a translation of the 12th ed. of the most influential accounting book published in Germany in the first half of the 20th century, which had a measurable impact on the accounting systems used in most continental European countries; and Edgar O. Edwards and Philip W. Bell, The Theory and Measurement of Business Income (1961, reissued 1995), a critical review of conventional accounting measurements, with a detailed examination of possible alternative measurement systems.Current reference texts are Robert N. Anthony and Leslie K. Pearlman, Essentials of Accounting, 7th ed. (2000), an easy-to-follow, self-teaching guide to accounting fundamentals, using the programmed-learning approach; George Foster and Srikant Datar, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 10th ed. (2000), a popular textbook covering managerial accounting in depth; and Robert N. Anthony and David W. Young, Management Control in Nonprofit Organizations, 6th ed. (1999).The following books provide insight into important current issues facing accountants and the accounting profession. Steven A. Zeff and Bala G. Dharan (eds.), Readings and Notes on Financial Accounting: Issues and Controversies, 5th ed. (1997), examines current views on the measurement of various financial variables for use in external financial reporting. Barry J. Brinker (ed.), Handbook of Cost Management (1993); and John K. Shank and Vijay Govindarajan, Strategic Cost Management: The New Tool for Competitive Advantage (1993), examine current issues and practices in the rapidly changing field of cost accounting for management. C.J. McNair, The Profit Potential (1994), focuses on the measurement of non-value-adding activities and the elimination of waste. Among the works focusing on ethical issues are Philip G. Cottell, Jr., and Terry M. Perlin, Accounting Ethics: A Practical Guide for Professionals (1990); George Foster, Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd ed. (1986); Marc J. Epstein and Moses L. Pava, The Shareholders' Use of Corporate Annual Reports (1993); and Lawrence D. Brown, Modern Theory of Financial Reporting (1987).Reference texts in financial accounting include Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, and Terry D. Warfield, Intermediate Accounting, 10th ed. (2001); and William H. Beaver, Financial Reporting: An Accounting Revolution, 3rd ed. (1998). For cost accounting see Charles T. Hongren, George Foster, and Srikant Datar, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 10th ed. (2000), a popular textbook covering managerial accounting in depth; for international accounting see Ahmed Belkaoui, International Accounting: Issues and Solutions (1985). An overview of positive accounting issues is Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman, Positive Accounting Theory (1997). Anthony G. Hopwood and Peter Miller (eds.), Accounting as Social and Institutional Practice (1994) provide a discussion of social accounting issues.Gordon Shillinglaw Moses L. Pava

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