
/ak sen"teuhr, ak"sen-/, n.
any oscine bird of the family Prunellidae, of Europe and Asia, resembling sparrows but having more finely pointed bills, as the hedge sparrow.
[1815-25; < NL: a genus of such birds, LL: one who sings with another, equiv. to L ac- AC- + -centor, comb. form of cantor singer; see CANTOR]

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      any of 12 species of bird in the Old World family Prunellidae (order Passeriformes (passeriform)). They have slender bills and rounded wings, and they frequently hop or move with a peculiar motion that has given them another name, shufflewing. The accentors range in colour from dark brown or gray to buff, chestnut, or russet and are usually darker above than below. The chin and breast are often spotted. Accentors breed chiefly in mountains but winter at lower elevations.

      The alpine accentor (Prunella collaris), which ranges from Spain and northwestern Africa to Japan, is at 18 cm (7 inches) long the largest and stoutest of the accentors. Both sexes are mostly brown with reddish-spotted flanks and a heavily stippled throat. In courtship the male warbles a rippling larklike call from a station near the ground or during flight. These birds breed at high elevations; in the Himalayas they have been seen on Mount Everest at nearly 8,000 metres (26,000 feet).

      A widespread lowland species is the dunnock, or hedge sparrow (P. modularis).

Sy Montgomery

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • accentor — n. any bird of the genus Prunella, e.g. the hedge sparrow. Etymology: med.L accentor f. L ad to + cantor singer …   Useful english dictionary

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