
aborally, adv.
/ab awr"euhl, -ohr"-/, adj. Anat., Zool.
opposite to or away from the mouth.
[1855-60; AB- + ORAL]

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  • aboral — adj. Zool. Se dice del polo o extremo del animal biológicamente opuesto a la boca …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • aboral — ► adjetivo ZOOLOGÍA Se refiere al polo o extremo del animal que está biológicamente opuesto a la boca. * * * aboral adj. Zool. Se aplica a la región del cuerpo de un animal opuesta a la boca. * * * aboral. adj. Zool. Se dice del polo o extremo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • aboral — adjective Date: 1857 situated opposite to or away from the mouth < a sea urchin s aboral surface > • aborally adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Aboral — In biology, aboral surfaces are surfaces away from or opposite the mouth. The term is a compound of the Latin preposition ā, a, abs , meaning from or away from and the noun ōs, ōris n., meaning mouth …   Wikipedia

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  • aboral — opposite or away from the oral or mouth area/cavity. May be used in the sense of opposite to a biting tooth surface where this aboral end of a tooth is not a root, e.g. tooth plates in Chimaeriformes and pavement teeth, q.v., in some rays, skates …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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