Ulster Defence Association.

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emperor of Japan
in full  Uda Tennō,  personal name  Sadami 
born June 10, 867, Kyōto, Japan
died Sept. 3, 931, Kyōto

      59th emperor of Japan, from 887 to 897.

      The son of the emperor Kōkō, Uda was one of the few rulers during this period whose mother was not a member of the Fujiwara family, which, partly through intermarriage with the imperial line, dominated Japan from 859 to 1160. During the first part of Uda's reign, Mototsune, the head of the Fujiwara house, occupied the post of kampaku, or chief councillor, through which he could issue commands on behalf of the emperor. After Mototsune's death in 891, Uda kept the post vacant, selecting his advisers from members of minor Japanese noble families.

      In 897 Uda abdicated in favour of his eldest son, who became the emperor Daigo, although Uda continued to exercise power as the retired emperor (in no chō). In 899 Uda succeeded in getting his favourite, the renowned scholar Sugawara Michizane, appointed to the important post of minister of the right (udaijin). But he was forced to concede the more important post of minister of the left (sadaijin) to Fujiwara Tokihira, the head of the Fujiwara house. In 901 Tokihira forced his rival into exile, where Sugawara is said to have died of a broken heart. Fujiwara clansmen then surged back into powerful positions, from which they were able to dominate the government for three centuries.

      Together, Uda and Fujiwara Tokihira introduced a series of measures designed to prevent the further avoidance of taxes by large rural landholders. Although their effort was largely unsuccessful, in 927 it did result in the Engi shiki (“Procedures of the Engi Era”), a compilation of the existing administrative regulations of the period, which now is of great historical interest.

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